Chapter 21

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When I woke the next morning, I found a pile of black clothes on the end of my bed. I picked them up to inspect them and they were all pretty similar to Bella's. She must have told her mother that I haven't much to wear. I will thank her later.

I went and had a quick bath before getting ready for the day.

A house-elf knocked on the door to let me know that breakfast was ready so I headed downstairs. Sirius was at the table this time along with Cissy and Bella. No sign of Druella, Cygnus or Andromeda. I sat down opposite Bella and some jam on toast appeared in front of me.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked. Bella and Sirius shrugged their shoulders and carried on eating. I'm guessing it is often that Bella's parent's don't join them at the dinner table for every meal. I chatted to Narcissa for a while about school and getting to know her some more. "I like you a lot Y/N, you are fun. Unlike Drommy, she is boring" I laughed at the nickname, even though it was rude but Cissy laughed too.

I decided to explore the manor a bit since it was so large.

I was walking along a corridor when I heard shouting. The door was slightly open so I peered inside. Cygnus was stood with a man, he was bald and wore just a black cloak. "Show me your mark" I heard the bald man say. Cygnus rolled up his sleeve to reveal a snake looking tattoo. "You have sworn your loyalty to me, therefore you must obey me" Cygnus nodded his head before saying "Yes my lord" "Now then, you must understand why I need Bellatrix. When she comes of age she must join us. She is a strong witch and we need her on our side" "Yes my lord but she is just a child, can't it wait?" The bald man towered over Cygnus causing him to cower. "She is old enough to understand my importance. She must attend our next meeting" "But she-" was all he could say before the man silently cursed Cygnus causing him to drop to the floor in agony. I gasped causing the bald man to look in my direction. I ran as fast as I could away from the room.

I found Bella in her room and explained what I had heard. "They want me to go to a meeting?" I nodded, out of breath from running. "Well if that is what the dark lord wishes then I must go" I didn't want her to go, what if she turns and leaves me. "Bella please, you can't" She reached for my hand "I know Y/N but if I don't go then he will kill my parents. What will happen to Cissy then if my parents are gone. I need to do this for her" I knew she was right. "Fine but please, only go if you are requested" she nodded her head and hugged me. "Y/N I promise nothing bad is going to happen, you will always have me. No matter what happens" I believed her, of course, I did. I love her for god sake.

We stayed for a while, just enjoying each other's company. I was in her arms and we both drifted off to sleep.

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