Chapter 16

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It's been a few days since Bella and I expressed our feelings for each other. We've been inseparable since. Plus it's probably safer if we stick together. The password to the Gryffindor common room has been changed and the students have been warned not to leak it to anyone.

So far, there has been no news of Dumbledore but he is bound to show up one day. I am completely fine now, thanks to Madam Pomfrey. I returned to lessons the day after and everyone was so sympathetic. It seems like the whole school is aware of what happened, perhaps to be conscious of Dumbledores intentions.

We were all eating our dinner peacefully when suddenly, Dumbledore apparated into the main hall. Everyone gasped and many went to hide under tables. I wasn't scared, neither was Bella.

We both stood up to face him. "What are you doing here Albus" He grimaced "I'm here to finish what I started!" He screamed. Bella put up a protective shield around us as he began to cast spells. Many students ran out of the hall and we were duelling for what felt like forever until some teachers appeared. "ALBUS" Minerva yelled.

Members of the ministry were also here in case something like this happened. They quickly detained him before he killed us. Someone grabbed me and another grabbed Bella. We were separated. I screamed for her but I was told to be quiet.

I was apparated out of the school and to the ministry. I was in a room with the minister of magic sat behind a desk, Bella soon appeared after me. What a relief.

"You aren't in any trouble Miss Y/L/N and Miss Black. We just had to ensure that you were safe from harm. I can assure you that Dumbledore will be tried tomorrow" I reached for Bella's hand "I would like to be there please sir, if that is alright" He was taken aback by my request but said, "Very well, if that is what you wish. We will be needing a statement from you. We have already been informed of the events by Professor McGonagall however, we need to hear it directly from both of you" I and Bellatrix spent half an hour going over every crucial detail. There was an array of emotions from the minister before we were finally allowed to return to Hogwarts.

We were apparated back to the common room to be greeted by Sirius, James, Remus and Peter. "Oh merlin, you are both alright. We were worried sick" Remus exclaimed as Sirius pulled us both into a hug. "You are so brave you two, we can't believe you stood up to him like that!" We both blushed. "Yeah, we are going to his trail tomorrow. We need to see him pay for what he has done" Sirius was a bit hesitant to allow it but he knows that he can't stop us. "Only if you are sure guys" We nodded.

We decided to call it a night and head upstairs, finally safe.

"Bella, what if you get moved back to Slytherin?" I said sadly. "Oh, I didn't think of that. I'm not sure Y/N. I guess we will just have to deal with it if it happens" It saddened us both to be split up like that but it had to be done because it's the rules. Bella is a Slytherin and I am a Gryffindor. She doesn't belong here and I wouldn't belong there. I will just have to cherish our time together for the time being.

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