Chapter 32

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As part of the Triwizard tournament, a Yule ball is being held. Which means we have to have a partner to dance with.

"Who are you taking Mr Potter" I sarkily asked James. "Did you really have to ask?" He smirked back. "Evans" Sirius rolled his eyes. Seems like James finally got his girl. "And she finally gave in to your charming ways?" I said sarcastically, remembering his many failed attempts at charming her. He playfully hit my arm.

Peter joined us but instead of acknowledging the others like he usually does, he came and sat next to me. "Y/N, can I ask you something?" I feel like I know where this is heading and I don't want to break his heart. I nodded my head and smiled. "Would you like to go to the Yule ball with me?" I saw James, Remus and Sirius stifle laughs and I sat awkwardly. "Peter, I am flattered but I'm sorry, I've already got a date" he looked so disappointed and I felt so bad for him. "Oh, who are you going with?" Bella piped up "me"

All heads turned towards us as if they didn't know. "You and Bella?" Remus yelled. We nodded our heads excitedly. "Why wasn't I aware. Who knew about this" I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing. "Only Sirius and Narcissa" They were gobsmacked that we didn't tell them. "Why didn't you tell us" James said throwing a pillow at us as we died laughing. "Well, we haven't told anyone really. Sirius guessed and Narcissa walked in the room at the wrong time a few years ago" Their eyes widened, "A FEW YEARS AGO" they both shouted. We were basically on the floor laughing by this point. I've never seen them so shocked.

We were all too busy laughing to realize that Peter left. We don't know why he left or where he went. But we were too happy to care.

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