Chapter 11

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I haven't seen much of James in a while. It's a shame because he is the reason I am so close with Sirius and Bellatrix. My feelings for her are getting much stronger now but I don't know how to tell her because I'm not sure she feels the same.

I was walking to Herbology with Lily Evans, she is a quiet girl but is nice. We don't speak much but she is in my class, therefore I enjoy the company. (You could say, that she is a replacement for when Bella isn't here) I suddenly hear a loud thud and James's voice "What's the matter Snivellus? Did you drop your books?" Lily sighed and rolled her eyes as James came up to her and started flirting pathetically. I've noticed that James seems to pick on Snape a lot, especially when Lily is around. "Go away James" she said as she turned around to help Severus.

"James, you are pathetic" he just laughed. "You do realise that you picking on Severus to impress Lily isn't working and you just look like a complete idiot" He just shrugged his shoulders. I really don't like the person he has become. Thankfully Sirius isn't the same, he is the only one I can rely on.

I turned around and walked over to Lily and Severus to help too, just to annoy James. He stood and observed with an angry expression written all over his face. This made me snigger. He must have noticed me laughing at him because he huffed and walked off.

"Thanks for your help Lily and Y/N" Lily smiled and said that it was not a problem but I had more to say. "Severus, you need to start sticking up for yourself. James is a pathetic little boy and I know that he is only doing this to impress Lily" Lily's face dropped "So you're saying that James likes me?" I giggled at her sheepishness "Yeah, but still. It isn't an excuse to pick on Sev" I rubbed his arm gently before walking back to class.

Today was our first Herbology lesson, we were looking at mandrakes. Professor Beery handed us all earmuffs and gloves. He explained that their scream is enough to make one faint and that they will bite when given the chance. He demonstrated how to repot one and James shouted "It looks like Snivellus!" The class began to laugh but I shot him a death stare and if I was next to him, I most certainly would have kicked him.

The lesson was pretty successful and James didn't make any more remarks after seeing my disapproving face. He knows better but refuses to use his brain sometimes.

I decided to walk back to the common room alone, I couldn't wait to see Bella.

I walked in through the portrait hole and saw her sat on the couch reading. I snuck up on her and hugged her from behind. She got the shock of her life. "Only me" I said smiling "Hey Y/N, how was Herbology?" I sighed. "Awful, well the lesson was fine but James, he keeps being mean to Snape" Bella frowned. "Snape is lovely, why is he being like this? Wait till I get my hands on him" Following Bella's threat, laughter could be heard entering the room. "Speak of the devil" I whispered under my breath.

"You" Bella began, walking over to James. "What do you think you're doing James? Picking on Severus?" He scoffed and tried to walk away but Bella grabbed his wrist. "I'm talking to you, Potter. Snape has never done anything to hurt you therefore, I suggest you stop" I had never been more anxious, neither had James by the looks of it. She was firm on him and it was pretty scary. Yet she was so hot when she was angry. "Okay Bellatrix, I'll stop. Now please, let go of me" and she did just that.

She smirked at me as she walked back over. "See, it's as easy as that" I laughed "Bella, I'm not as intimidating as you" Her expression changed quickly, I knew I had upset her. "Wait no Bella, It's a good thing. People actually listen to you and take you seriously. Oh, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean to upset you" "it's alright Y/N" she whispered, smiling weakly.

'God Y/N. You need to watch how you say things sometimes' I scolded myself.

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