Chapter 14

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"I'll be back shortly Bellatrix. I'm just going to see to some other patients, keep Y/N company"

She was still slightly bruised but she looked more alive. The colour was brought back to her cheeks but she still wasn't herself. I sat and held her hand, crying into her lap. "Please Y/N, wake up. I need you, I need us... I have never actually told you this but, I love you. So much"

It was almost as if she'd heard me. As I told her that I love her, she squeezed my hand. My head shot up and she was coming round. As her eyes flickered open she saw me and smiled. I practically jumped on her, I hugged her tightly. I never wanted to let go, I've missed her so much.


The darkness finally left me, I slowly opened my eyes to see Bella was crying into my lap holding my hand. "Please Y/N, wake up. I need you, I need us... I have never actually told you this but, I love you. So much" My stomach started doing front flips, she just said she loved me. I squeezed her hand in response causing her to look up.

I smiled at her and she flung her arms around me. I winced in pain so she loosened her grip slightly. "Sorry Y/N. It's just that, God I've missed you. I am so glad you're alright" I giggled before replying. "I love you too Bella" she blushed and looked away. "Oh, before I almost forgot. McGonagall wants to speak to you, she knows what happened from my perspective but not yours" I nodded my head and Madam Pomfrey came over.

"Good Y/N, you're up. How are you feeling?" I wanted to say in love but that wasn't the answer she was wanting to hear. "I'm better, in pain but glad to be alive. How much damage has his foot done?" all I could remember was taking a sharp blow to the stomach before passing out. She did a quick spell to observe my insides "You had a couple broken ribs from the blow which was probably why you blacked out, I've never seen a kick to the stomach do this much damage" It worried me when she said that, it made me realise that I actually could have died. "I'm going to give you some pain relief and then I will fetch Professor McGonagall" she smiled before giving me some medicine then walking away again. It kicked in almost immediately and I felt more awake.

Within minutes McGonagall was here. "Oh thank God you're alight Y/N. You had me worried sick. now I hope you don't mind but I have to ask you some questions?" I nodded consenting to the questions.

"What did Albus do to you?" Easy enough to answer I guess, "He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up, he tightened his grip when I back chatted him. He had his wand against my throat when Bella came. The last thing I remember was being kicked in the stomach" Her hand flew to her mouth. "I'm sorry, I've never known anyone to be so cruel, especially to an eleven-year-old. What exactly did he want from you Y/N? To make him do this to you?" Good question, he didn't want me specifically. He just wanted me gone because I got in his way. "Well, I was suspicious of him. He got caught out and he wanted to be rid of me. He told me that he should have dealt with me earlier. I never got the chance to ask what his intentions were or why he wanted me dead"

Bella grabbed my hand, "to kill all non-purebloods. I'm guessing he would have started with you then" 'Oh, well then. I guess I would have died either way' I thought to myself. "I can't thank Bellatrix enough though, if she hadn't have came when she had, I would probably be dead. He didn't do anything to you did he Bella?" she shook her head. "No, he never got the chance" We grinned at each other, knowing he clearly isn't strong enough to kill two inexperienced children.

"Thank you for telling me Y/N. You two are both very strong witches. We don't know where Albus is momentarily but he will have to come back eventually so for now, you two need protecting the best you can be" We all agreed, she got up to go and sort out some form of protection for us.

Finally, Bella and I were alone again. "So Y/N, what did you actually ask me to the lake for?" My heart started beating faster remembering the original intentions. "Not here Bella" I said smiling. "I promise we can talk soon"

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