Chapter 15

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I was finally discharged from the hospital wing. I was only there for a day or two. I ached still from the blow but mentally I was alright. I decided to pay Hagrid a visit.

I made my way down to his hut and he was sat outside playing the flute

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I made my way down to his hut and he was sat outside playing the flute. "Hey Hagrid" He looked up at me, jumping up to hug me. "Oh Y/N, yer a'right" I laughed into his belly. "Yea, I came down to say thank you for helping Bellatrix with me" There was a twinkle in his eye. "It were no problem. Do yer wanna talk 'bout it?" I smiled lightly and explained the events. "Tha' 'orrible ol' man. Wait till I ger me hands on 'im" I placed my hand on top of his. "Hagrid, it's alright. I'm still here. He will come back eventually and McGonagall has put some things in place to keep me and Bella safe. He will soon go to Azkaban. That is somewhere I don't want you to end up, especially not for me" I beamed at the gesture but I couldn't let him get sent down for me, it would break him. He is a gentle giant after all.

I said goodbye to Hagrid and made my way back to the common room. Bella was sat waiting for me. When I barely got through the door she got up and flung her arms around my neck. I almost lost my balance "Easy Bella, easy. I'm still injured remember" I said laughing. She gently pulled away embarrassed. "We should probably go and talk now, let's go to the owlery" She agreed so we made our way there.

When we got there, the owls were all sleeping so it was nice and peaceful. We looked out into the world "It's beautiful isn't it" She nodded her head in agreement. I turned to her and took her hands.

"Look, what I'm going to tell you now I just want you to know that I don't mind what you think. I just don't want to lose you" She furrowed her brows "Y/N, you're scaring me" I took a deep breath. "Bellatrix Black, I love you. I have ever since I first laid my eyes on you. I see you as more than a friend and I've absolutely loved caring for you over the past month. We get on like a house on fire. So what I'm trying to say is that I deeply care about you and I just had to tell you how I feel because I couldn't keep it to myself any lon-" I was interrupted by her lips against mine.

At first, I didn't kiss back due to shock but I soon melted into her warmth. We slowly pulled away and giggled. "Y/N, I feel the same. I just didn't know how to tell you. When he knocked you out, I was so fearful of losing you and I just had to stay with you and care the way you did for me" Even though this wasn't our first kiss, it felt as though it was. This time there was even more passion and love, it was genuine.

"I don't think we should rush into things just yet though since we are still so young but just so you know, I love you too" I wrapped my arms around her neck, hers were around my waist and I pulled her into a long hug. I couldn't be happier.

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