Chapter 28

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Flashback: "I can't believe we agreed to take her here" my dad sighed rolling his eyes. I just chose to ignore him, today was for me to buy my things for school. I will not let them ruin things for me. I walked into Ollivander's alone. I went to the counter and met a kind man. "Hello Y/N, I believe you are looking for a wand". I was a bit nervous considering he knew my name and I've never set foot in this place before. "Excuse me, sir, how do you know my name?" I asked trying not to sound rude. "Ah little one, I know every magical being in England" I was amazed.

He brought out several wands for me to try. Until I found the right one. I gave it a wave and it was like we had a connection. "The wand chooses the owner Y/N! Never the other way round" It was magical. 'How could a wand choose its owner if it's an object?' I asked myself but remembered that anything is possible here. The wand is Maple wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ½" and slightly springy flexibility.

LOCATION CHANGE- IN THE CAR: I was admiring my wand and my father must have noticed in the rearview mirror because he shouted at me from the front. "Y/N, if you don't put that stick away right now. I will snap it and not buy you a replacement. Do you understand?" I quickly put it away and didn't say anything. "Child, I am talking to you" My cheeks flushed red "Yes father. I am very sorry. I won't get it back out again" I said. I hated having to be obedient but I didn't want to risk leaving on bad terms, they are still my parents after all.


Bella and I are about to start our fifth year at Hogwarts and Cissy is about to start her first. We have already taken her shopping for all of her required items so for the moment we are chilling at home. "I can't believe you are coming to Hogwarts with us Cissy" I said to her. I've known her for four whole years now and her starting her first year is making me feel old. "I know, I can't wait. Will I be able to see you more often now Y/N?" I giggled at her, stroking her hair."Yes, of course. You can come and see me whenever you like darling" she hugged me tightly before going to bed. We have to be up early tomorrow.

I snuck into Bella's room which was our usual routine. I clambered under the sheets with her. "Hey baby" I said as she flung her arms around me. "I've missed you" she said into my neck. "Bella, you saw me not even an hour ago" I said giggling quietly. "I know. What I mean is I've missed you" I knew exactly what she meant. She kissed my lips before she started to kiss my jaw, then my neck. She caressed my sweet spot causing me to gasp slightly. "Bella wait, I want to ask you something"

She didn't want to stop but I just had to ask her. I gently pushed her away. "Would you just listen to me for once Bella". She looked hurt that I pushed her away but I knew what I am about to ask her will make her extremely happy, I hope.

"I've been thinking and we're older now. So what would you say if I asked you to be my girlfriend?" Her eyes widened and she gasped. She crashed her lips into mine and smiled into them "Yes, yes! A million times yes!" I giggled as she hugged me tightly. I couldn't be happier right now.

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