Chapter 18

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It's the start of the summer holidays next week. Which means I will have to go home to my parents and leave Bella. I won't be able to see her for a whole six weeks.

I was sat on my bed when she came in. She saw me sulking and came over to me. "Y/N, what's up?" "Oh, nothing" I sighed. I think she could tell that I was lying. "Y/N, please don't lie to me" "Okay sorry. It's just that, I'm dreading going home to them and leaving you. Promise me you'll write" She rubbed my back "Oh Y/N. Of course, I'll write. But surely it's not going to be that bad?" I scoffed "you don't know my parents" I looked at her and she frowned "Enlighten me then, you did promise" I had completely avoided the subject for an entire year. "Fine"

"Well, they were quite young when they had me so they constantly remind me that I had ruined their lives. I am an only child so I have had nobody to share my pain with. I've never been physically hurt but mentally, they know exactly which buttons to press. When they found out that I was a witch, they shunned me and refused to speak to me for weeks. They've said that any trouble I get myself in, they won't be there to pick up the pieces so I'm dreading what's to come if they know about Dumbledore" Bella looked deep in thought. "What if you don't have to stay with them?"

"What do you mean Bella? I have nowhere else to go" I laughed weakly as she placed her hands on my shoulders "of course you do, come and stay with me. And I am so sorry that you've had to go through that" I didn't know what to say, it would be amazing to stay with her but what about her family, they are followers of the dark lord after all. "Alright then, only if you check with your parents first" She nodded her head and wrote them a letter.

When she finished writing, we both walked up to the owlery. "Just one thing Y/N, I'm not sure how they would react to you being a Gryffindor so we will need to do something about that" "Alright, we can ask Sirius if he knows any charms to change the colour of my robes" She handed the note to an owl and it flew off into the night.

I took the opportunity to thank her "Thank you for doing this Bella, I really appreciate it" She smiled "You don't have to thank me, at least this way we get to spend the summer together" The thought of that made us both so happy.

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