Chapter 49. At peace (his pov)

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Since I asked her about her emotions and putting focus on her feelings, she's been doing what Milo said she'd do. She would lash out and then cry and apologize and it was kind of a cycle. I tried to keep her happy but it was difficult. I talked to Milo and he told me it was closer to happening and I took nothing she said or did personally.

None of this was annoying to me either it's sort of like an addiction and she's struggling right now. Milo said I could take her to the Underground after her I guess you could call it  melt down?

Anyway I left for a bit while she was napping and I was on my way to get some gummy worms and flowers for Oak when she woke up but I am seeming to think I'm in trouble for leaving her.

O: Why did you leave me?
O: I miss you
O: Where are you going?
O: Will you come back soon?

I kept driving and got to the store 15 minutes later and looked at my phone for when it was safer to respond.

O: Are you not coming home?
O: Sorry for bothering you if you are busy
O: I love you just please be safe my boy.

Not going to lie that gave me butterflies. She's been needy and honestly through this whole emotional thing I have been too.

Me: Oakley baby, I'll be home soon I am just running to the store. I didn't respond cuz I was driving but I love you too honey

Honestly I know other people and especially guys would find this type of thing annoying but considering all that's making this happen I don't mind it. I love her neediness, I love when she gets mad it's hot, I love that she annoys me with texts but always ends the series of them with an I love you, and I simply love her.

I wanted to hurry because I suddenly got a bad feeling about leaving her alone. I don't know if it's likely to happen this soon but it's a possibility.

I grabbed a bag of gummy worms and stuff for s'mores because I know she likes those and they'd be fun and I also got her another bouquet because it's been two weeks and the other one died a while ago. This time it was filled with daises and lavender and it was pretty and smelt amazing. I then grabbed rose bubble bath.

I checked out and got back in the car to drive home.

I walked in the house and I heard crying and my heart hurt immediately for her. That was until I became worried and heard something shatter.

I dropped everything and ran into the kitchen and living room area to see glass on the floor and see Oakley screaming and stabbing pillows with a knife but nothing in her looked cut so I got here in time. I had mentally prepared myself for this for the past while and I was ready to help her out.

She didn't seem to see or hear me because she wouldn't stop. I walked over to her and grabbed the knife from her hand quickly and put it in my pocket and she turned around and started hitting me hard once in the eye and once in my jaw and the last was in my lip before she started smacking my chest and I just grabbed her wrists and had her look at me and although her eyes are the most beautiful shade of a grey and blue combined, all I saw was blackness. She looked terrified but incredibly furious.

Her long and black hair was down and in her face and her bottom lip started quivering intensely. I've never seen someone so rage filled but scared at the same time so I grabbed the wrists that were in my hands and bent down pulling them around my neck and picking her up tightly. She held onto me and started sobbing in my shoulder as I made my way to the entrance and grabbed the things I had bought for her. I picked them up and set them on the table before I made my way to the recliner and sat down. I could tell she wasn't tired enough to fall asleep like Milo said she would so I just rocked her and let her cry.

I felt her tears stain my cheeks and her whole body started shaking intensely. I started rubbing her back and I looked around the living room and kitchen to see all that was destroyed. All of it was replaceable but she wasn't and I know she is gonna beat herself up about this. I just need to her her calm and feeling better so I can take her to the Underground tomorrow.

While rubbing her back I grabbed my phone with my free hand and began texting Milo.

Me: It happened and I got here in time to keep her from hurting herself.

M: Is she okay? Is it under control?

Me: It is I'm just rocking her while she's crying

Me: a lot

M: Okay well I'm glad and thanks for letting me know.

Me: Of course but what happens after this? Does she act different?

M: She will be very cold and rude and sarcastic to others again and next time she's deprived you will know because she will choose to act kinder than what she is. I hope you didn't get used to her kindness Bc if you did you might take things personal.

Me: I won't take it personal and thanks is for letting me know I just wasn't sure if she becomes sensitive or something.

M: oh no quite the opposite really. She won't talk as much for a bit and that includes you, Jonah, and I. It'll take her a bit to get back in the swing of things.

Me: Okay thank you for helping me.

M: Of course mate! Give her love for me.

Me: I will M.

I put my phone down and pulled my attention back to her and I didn't realize she had stopped crying but she was touching my face while looking at me with a numb expression.

Her small fingered traced my lips and my eyebrows and she wasn't even looking at me just her hand and what she was touching. Her face looked so small and sad. My baby has been through a lot.

I picked her up but put her on my hip so she could see and I brought her to the table where her gifts were. I handed her the bouquet and she smelt them and a small smile appeared on her face. I grabbed the grocery bag with one hand and turned it upside down so everything poured out and she smiled and I looked at her as tears spiked her eyes.

"Baby whats wrong?" I asked in a whisper so I didn't overwhelm her.

"I don't deserve this. Or you even. I don't know why you stay with me if you have to deal with someone who can't take care of herself mentally." She said in a sarcastic tone with a humorless laugh.

"I love helping you and being here for you. You have been through so much my love and you may think you don't deserve me but you were made for me. I love taking care of you, pleasing you, buying you things, and I can't wait for the day I get to marry you and call you my wife whether you take my name or not. Oakley I am utterly and completely in love with you." I said looking at her in the eyes as tears fell onto her cheeks.

"God I love you." She said looking at me with such intensity that her face almost looked pained. She looked as if she were to look away I'd be gone.

"I'm not going anywhere you know that right?" I ask and a sob came from her mouth as she nodded lightly.

I felt tears spike my eyes and I kissed her hard but gently enough to show that I need her. I felt the tears fall onto my cheeks as we kissed and I couldn't help but feel so incredibly lucky.

The kiss became softer as she pulled away but kept her forehead on mine.

"Thank you for never leaving me my love. I couldn't have done anything I've been doing without you." She whispered and I moved her head and pulled her higher up on my waist and placed my head in the crook of her neck and inhaled the most comforting scent I've ever smelt. She smelt like her but for some reason my mama came into mind and Oakley does smell a bit like her. I savored the moment and she did too as she massaged my hair and placed kisses on my head.

I miss my mama.

"I love you my baby girl." I said into her neck as I placed small kisses there.

"I love you more my boy." She said and I smiled against her neck feeling at peace with the way this went.

Okay I listened the this song while writing this and I sorta cried... anyway I hope you liked this chapter because I think it was one of my favs to write.
Thank you all for reading this far!

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