Chapter 20. Messy (Her pov)

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We drove to Chili's and got seated while what looked like the manager came out.

"Hey sorry a waitress is coming but I'm here and I'll take your drink orders." The girl said smiling.

"A Coke please." Jax said looking at the menu.

"A strawberry lemonade please." I said looking at her and smiling.

"Of course she'll be right out with those." The woman said walking away.

"Thank you for the food even though we haven't eaten yet baby." Jax said grabbing my hands on the table and just holding them.

"Of cou-" I began as the waitress came out and Jax quickly let go of my hands as if he was embarrassed.

"Here you guys go. Hi Jax? It's been a while darling how have you been?" The blonde waitress said while touching his shoulder and looking at him with a smile.

"Ahh who is this." I said with a fake smile.

I thought he loved me? Why is he embarrassed of me? God stop being petty and jealous Oakley.

"Oh uhm this is Jess and she's just a friend." Jax mumbled with an awkward smile.

"Oh no we go way back. And who is this?" She asked looking at me with a smile.

"I'm Oakley, Jax's gir-"

"Friend yea she's my friend we have been hanging out a bit today." Jax said looking at her with a smile.

What the fuck is this petty cliché. I've read about this in books and movies but I never thought it was real.

"Yes I am his friend." I said smiling. The fake-ness felt painful.

"Really?" A boy waiter came behind her.

"I am." Two can play at this game.

"Well can I get your number?" He said. Jax's hand clenched hard and he looked angry.

"I don't know is a date okay my dear friend?" I ask smiling angrily at Jax.

"Whatever." He said returning the look.

What the fuck is wrong with him?

"I'm fucking done. Sorry sweetheart I'm actually his girlfriend but he's too much of a pussy to say it. I don't know what happened between you too but I feel real pathetic letting a man treat me like garbage. Anyway," I said standing up and adjusting my shorts, "I'll be out of here and on my way, go ahead and eat friend." I said throwing a $100 on the table and walked out.

I dialed Milo hoping he wasn't on his shift.

"Hey love whats up?"

"Come get me I'm at Chili's not too far from you. I need you i'm sorry." I say quickly feeling my chest clench. I was panicking feeling tears come to my eyes. I couldn't breathe and I soon get light headed.

"I'm on my way right now Oakley." He said hanging up and I suddenly felt my head hit the floor and blackness overwhelmed my vision.

Milo's POV (you will not see this often!)

I got to the restaurant and see Jax standing over Oakleys body with a emotionless face but tears staining his cheeks.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!" I yelled at Jax and grabbed the beautiful girl off the floor and feeling her pulse going really fast. Her skin was damp with sweat.

"This is my fault. I saw my ex and she was my waitress and I screwed up man." Jax said, his voice breaking between sudden sobs.

"God! You idiot!" I yelled while dialing 911 in my phone. This girl told me the basics about her abuse and rape but I never knew too much. When she was with me as a young teen she'd have nightmares and panic attacks and pass out but this is worse because I've never seen the girl cry and tears were down her face.

"Hi uhm we're at Chili's and my sister is unconscious and I think it was a panic attack but her breathing is bad come please." I said crying and they said they were on the way.

"Fuck you Jax! I trusted you with her! Your the first person who she has let in and you made her fucking upset, god!" I said crying. This was worse than all the ones she's had before and my best friend was the cause.

She started snorting and her eyes were open but in the back of her head because there was only white in her eyes and she started twitching bad. Shes having a seizure and I can't do anything to help her.

"Do you see what the fuck you've done!" I yelled and stood up laying her head gently on the floor. I stood up and punched Jax so hard in the eye and it hit his nose as well.

He landed hard on the floor putting his hand to where I hit him and his nose started gushing blood.

"I'm sorry man I screwed up. I really love her and I didn't think this would happen." He said quietly.

"No shit." I said as the ambulance came.

I got in the back of the ambulance and Jax said he'd take his car and follow.

I know Jax has only had one girlfriend before Oak and he dated her from 15-16 and it was his first love. But she cheated on him and he started doing and selling drugs and got drunk every night. I actually met him when he was drunk at a bar and it was because of her. She cheated on him with his ex-best friend and I killed his ex-friend because I knew he did it intentionally. I had helped him get sober and now it's been a year and he's done good.

I knew he loved Oakley right off the bat but I never thought he'd stoop this low when Jess and Jax ran into each other again. This is so fucked up and I can't fix it.

Suddenly I got kicked from my thoughts when the heart monitor thing started to go up for her.

"I'm sorry sir but her body is going into shock I have to put her in a medically induced coma." The doctor said and I started crying harder while nodding taking her small hand into my own.

I called Jax, "Hey they had to put her in a medically induced coma because she was going into shock. I don't know what you did mate but it fucked her up." I said angrily but sad.

I heard sobs on the other end, "I'm sorry it's all my fault and I hurt you and I hurt her. God I'm sorry." He said sobbing.

"It's not me you have to apologize to it's her. When she forgives you I'll do the same and I know that's petty but she's my sister and I have her back first. I still love you man." I said knowing I sound petty but I'm too emotional to care.

"I love you and I understand." He said before hanging up.

"What is the cause?" The doctor asks.

"I'm not sure but my friend aka her boyfriend hurt her emotionally and she's never been in love before. But she has had panic attacks and passed out from them before. I've never seen a seizure or this." I said hoping to get an answer.

"Well she probably panicked and passed out but if she fell on the concrete hard enough she might have hit her head, which based on the looks it seems like she did, and that caused the seizure then her body said that this is too much and this is the result. I'm sorry this is emotional and messy but hopefully it gets better." The doctor said.

"Hopefully?" I ask looking down.

"Yea I mean if her body keeps responding like this she could never wake up but there is only a slight chance of that."

No no no no no God please! She's just a kid!

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