Chapter 13. Sleepover! (her pov)

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Sorry for all these notes but the beginning is cute so I placed the song through the writing right before the fun part. Enjoy!

I heard him call Milo about sweets before he would start his bar shift. Milo was able to take the night off so he will only be working from 6-8.

Honestly I'm so excited for tonight. I truly hope that the polish stains because I need Jax to have purple painted or tinted nails at school. God he'd look pathetic.

"Okay beautiful are you ready to leave?" Jax asked while grabbing his keys and coat.

"Yea I am." I said meeting his eyes and they were soft and kind. It made my heart do a little flip type thing. The human body is so strange.

He held the door for me and I walked out nodding my head as a 'thank you'. He opened the passenger door for me and I stepped in as he shirt it and quickly buckled as he came in and did the same.

He seemed tense for a second before he took a deep breathe and started the car, as he was driving I was studying the rings on his fingers and bracelets on his wrist. On his right ring finger he had a tattoo of a cross. It was so simple but so beautiful and on his pointer finger carried a pretty emerald green square stone wrapped in beautiful silver wiring, it looked homemade.

"Can I see your hand?" I mumbled pointing at his right hand.

He looked at it and his lips tugged a small smile before he released it from the wheel and placed itself in my open hand. I lightly touched his tattoo and traced his green ring.

"What's this ring from?" I whispered gently.

He looked over at it and his gaze was thoughtful as he glanced at me with a content smile, "my mom, she made this and told me to wear it when I grow into it and keep it with me forever. She had a passion for jewelry and found the most simple thing to be the most beautiful." He said smiling. He's looked so gentle and perfect, his looks alone could bring a woman to tears. He was dangerously beautiful. So very beautiful though.

I interlaced my hand through his and brought the ring to my lips pressing a little kiss on it, "she sounds lovely." I hummed. I've never been so gentle or open with someone. He just makes it so easy.

"She was. She looked almost exactly like me only with beautiful blue eyes. I got the hazel from my dad." He whispered to match my tone. I see a small tear appear on the crease of his eye.

"She must be very beautiful then." I say leaning over to kiss the tear that was now on his cheek.

He looked at me with a big grin before focusing back on the road, "she was the definition of beauty."

I gave his large hand a squeeze and he let go opening his door and that's when I realized we were here.

He came over and opened my door and offering a hand, I grabbed it without hesitation and he closed my door but instead of walking he opened his arms motioning for a hug. I smile and walk closer to him wrapping my arms around his waist so he wouldn't have to crouch down. One of his arms went to my back and one went around my shoulder and started massaging my head.

"Thank you." He said quietly.

"For?" I whispered into his warm chest. He smelt like rain and green apples. I quickly developed a love for those two things.

"Confiding in me, letting me confide in you. All of it seems unreal. I feel like I don't know you were an angle sent to me from hell." He said as a deep chuckle came from his chest.

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