Chapter 6. Friends or Acquaintances? (her pov)

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I woke up this morning truly believing that this is gonna be a interesting day. I don't know if that's exactly good or bad but we will see. I got up and walked into my bathroom seeing the flash drive on my counter and I just couldn't help the evil sounding chuckle that escaped my lips.

My ass is already going to hell why not enjoy that beautiful ride.

I jumped in the shower quickly washing my self up. I scrubbed the blood off my hair, hands, arms, face, thighs and wherever else it went. Last night I was too tired to do anything other that sleep and relish in the joy I felt seeing the boy squirm at what I knew of him. The look of fear didn't fit his pretty face though. I'm not gonna lie he is an attractive man, good physique, sharp jawline and cheekbones, curly chestnut brown hair, and pretty brown eyes but not dark enough to hide his pupils. They look like if you mixed milk chocolate and caramel together. He has light barely noticeable stubble. Very tall, he's very muscular and his arms are about the size of my head alone.

Stop fantasizing Oakley gods!

Anyways when I got out I dried my hair and when fully down it hits below my hips and it's between wavy and curly you could call it either. But I put it in a messy like ponytail and left it as it was. I dressed in a white T-Shirt and black ripped jeans with my same black and white converse and left the house with a banana.

When I had gotten to school there was a brunette man staring at me with his creepy friends and I avoided their gazes not paying them too much attention turning off my car.

I stepped out and walked by them when the man grabbed my ass. I whipped around and punched the man so hard in the side of his head that he fell to the floor. There was blood dripping from his ear.

"What the fuck you psycho!" The guy screeched and winced in pain.

"Haha I may be a psycho but you need to know that your hands just don't belong on me babe." I said smirking and and walked away to my first class with Mr. Brown.

When I got to that class and was greeted I went to the back of the room where I sat last time by the window and I opened my bad to grab out the baby wipes I have for these situations and wipped the blood from my hands. That guy must have a blood thinning issue because he bled a lot.

After all of those boring classes I went to my locker to put my bag away for lunch and when I had closed it pretty boy was standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Ahh do you need anything Jax." I sorta purred in a sarcastic tone.

"You know, actually I do brat." He says in the same face making me wish I could punch the smirk off his face but I quickly recoil from that thought and plaster the inquisitive look on my face.

"What would that be pretty boy?" I say with a quirked brow.

"Why exactly did you punch in a guys face this morning love? We're you just angry?" He said with a full smile now. He's got a gorgeous yet crazy smile that's to die for. He won't know that from me of course.

"Ahh no I wasn't angry actually I'll tell you why. Walk with me?" I ask pointing to the direction of the lunch room.

He nodded and let me finish.

"You see men can be gross perverted creatures in which makes them think they have a right to touch any woman without consent. When one touches one grossly without permission then they get their face punched in. Easy." I said shrugging.

I look over at him and he looked so angry. He looked as if he could have smoke appear from his body.

"Awe why so worked up princess?" I ask in a cooing tone.

"He touched you," he muttered, "I'm just glad he got his face smashed in." He said wiping off the anger and replacing it with slight amusement.

"Ahh he got what he deserved all right. You looked murderous for a second just wanted to ask." I simply implied.

"Yes and that is where we differ Oakley," he said leaning in closely to my ear, "I may be a bad man but I am no killer unlike you. And that is no jab, just simply the truth."

"Yes I suppose you're right about that." I say in all fairness.

We got to the cafeteria and he turned over to me.

"Are we friends or at least acquaintances? I mean after all there will be a lot of running into eachother with all the power you hold over me."He says with an amusing look.

"You chose pretty boy." I said and walked away to get food.

I apologize for the shortness of this chapter yet I hope you enjoyed it!

The Psychotic Minds (COMPLETE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora