Chapter 38. Coconut (her pov)

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Milo was holding me back and all I heard were the gunshots and screams in terror. All I saw was Jax's limp body on the cement and I was panicked. I was balling my eyes out and I was angry that Milo wouldn't let me go hold him.

"Oak honey breathe I called a work friend and she's coming to drive us to the hospital." Jonah said rubbing my back.

I didn't respond instead I reached forward and grabbed Jax's hand and heard his breath hitch. Milo let go and let me get closer. I placed his head in my lap and I just rubbed his face.

"I love you." He said and closed his eyes a bit but he was still breathing.

"I love you more." I said and I felt my tears fall onto his cheek and I just sobbed.

When the car got here Milo carried Jax into the car and Jonah was helping me. I sat in the back with his head lying on my lap and his feet on Milo's and Jonah was in the passenger seat with a brunette girl. She was fairly pretty but she looked shocked. She seemed about my height and her skin was a light tan. Her eyes were dark brown the shade of a Hershey kiss.

"Your friends with Raven?" She whispered to Jonah and he nodded.

She drove and went above the speed limit and when we got there they rushed Jax to the back and I couldn't go so I paced back and forth.

"I don't know if this will lift your spirits but Logan is dead." Jonah said and I sighed.

I felt a small weight being lifted off my shoulders but it wasn't enough to keep me from suffocating in my own emotions.

The girl came up to me and smiled, "I wish you the best."

I did something I've never done and I stepped forward and hugged her as if my life depended on it. She was shocked but she hugged me back quickly.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for your kindness I don't think Jax would have gotten here in time." I said and I felt her smile against my shoulder.

"I'm glad I could help. May I have your number and we could get coffee when all this is over?" She said and I nodded taking her phone and putting my number in it.

"My real names Oakley. Just don't tell anyone at the Underground please." I said and she smiled and nodded.

"I'm Nadia." She said with a kind smile.

"Thank you Nadia." I said and she gave me another hug before hugging Jonah and giving Milo a high-five.

I let pacing back and fourth and the doctor came out after about an hour.

"Hi Miss Raven?" The doctor asked and I tuned to her and nodded.

"Yes well we got him into emergency surgery and no bullets hit any major arteries so after this you'll be able to see him though the healing process will be at least a week in the hospital." She said kindly but worried.

"Okay thanks." I said coldly before turning around and walking to Milo who was sitting on a chair and I sat on his lap putting my head into his chest.

"Do you want to get checked out? You have cuts and bruises." Milo asked rubbing my back.

"No. I'm okay." I said and he hummed an 'okay'.


It's about 5 in the afternoon right now and I guess I was asleep because I felt myself wake up and Milo was still holding me but walking me into his house.

"Why aren't we at the hospital?" I asked a little shaky.

"Because Jax told me to get you showered and cleaned up." He said and I huffed but I was to tired so I let my heavy eyes take me back into sleep.

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