Chapter 40. Food (her pov)

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This chapter is sorta focused on Oaks issue of eating so it's not too good but I still hope you enjoy. Some feedback would do as well!😘

Yesterday Jax was able to get out of the hospital with his back almost fully healed and it made me really happy for him.

We sat in his car and I was driving looking at the city lights of LA feeling his hand on my thigh. It was around 8pm and I finally felt hungry for the first time in a while.

"I'm hungry." I mumbled and I saw a smile creep onto his face through my peripheral vision.

"That's great baby what sounds good?" He asks rolling down his window letting the cool hair in the car.

"Pizza and good breadsticks." I said nervous that I won't finish it or eat enough.

"Alrighty let's stop at a Pizza Hut does that sound good love?" He asked kindly and i hummed a 'yea' and kept looking at the area in front of me.

We stopped at the Pizza Hut and he headed in. After about 15 minutes he came out with 2 pizzas and a box of breadsticks.

He came in the car and it smelt so good.

"Let's get to my house baby so we can eat." He said buckling his seatbelt and keeping a firm hold on the boxes.

"Okay." I said and started driving again this time with the windows up so it doesn't cool down.

"I can hear your belly." Jax said quietly.

"Yea." I said as I parked on his driveway.

I helped him with the food as we got inside and placed them on the table while he grabbed 2 Naked juices from the fridge and setting those on the table.

"Come here." He said sitting in his usual chair with his arms open and I complied.

He handed me a small slice and I ate it savoring the amazing warmth of the food.

I then ate two more slices and that was the most I've eaten since my kidnapping I guess you can call it.

"Good job baby!" Jax said with a mouthful of breadstick making me smile.

When he finished I took the plates and washed them off before heading upstairs and starting a bath.

I felt big arms grab my waist and hug me tightly kissing my neck lightly. I kissed back and Jax hummed in content against my lips.

"Let's get you ready for the bath baby." He whispered and started undressing me.

After I got undressed he placed me in the bath and got in behind me with some rose shampoo and a baby blue loofah.

"Lean forward?" He asked and I listened.

He began rubbing my back with the loofah and it felt amazing. I was so tired and this felt so good.

"Sleepy baby?" Jax asked finishing up and pulling me back so my head would lay on his chest and he decided to finish washing my with his hands as he put soap on them and began rubbing my neck and chest and stomach being careful.

I suddenly remembered that I have a big scab on my face.

"What's wrong?" Jax said sensing my tension.

"My face. Does it look bad I didn't pay enough attention." I said and he sighed in what it seemed to be relief.

"Baby you look badass." He said laughing and pressing a light kiss to my forehead.

I looked foreword and at my small feet and legs through the water. I need a pedicure.

"Can we get a pedicure tomorrow?" I ask quietly.

"I suppose. What color should I get?" He asked making me giggle.

"Match your nails." I said and he chuckled and mumbled and 'okay'.

"I love you." I said and closed my eyes hearing him return the sentence and falling asleep proud of myself for eating and keeping it down.


The next morning I woke up to an amazingly sweet smell. It almost smelt like cake but I felt someone behind me and I look back to see it was Jax.

"The fuck?" I grumbled and stood from the bed putting on a pair of sweats that I was lacking due to being dressed in a shirt and my underwear.

I walk down the stairs to see Jonah and Milo cooking together singing and dancing and I've never seen something so adorable.

Milo grabbed Jonahs hand and twirled him as he pulled him close and dipped him making Jonah laugh.

"My babies!!!" I squeaked and Milo dropped Jonah making him yelp and laugh harder.

"I'm sorry bean." Milo said laughing but picking Jonah up.

"That was great." Jonah said standing and turning to look at me with a big smile and I returned it.

"You guys are so cute." I said walking foreword and pinching their cheeks.

"Why thank you my dear." Milo said turning back around to pay attention to the food.

"Whatcha making?" I ask sitting myself on the island.

"Breakfast." Jonah said turning to me and flicking my nose.

"Well duh." I said and they chuckled.

"God I slept in and it smells fantastic." I hear a sleepy voice say behind me.

"Thanks." Jonah said.

"Morning." Jax said pressing a kiss to my cheek and went to sit at the table as Milo brought him coffee and me a cup of Apple Juice.

When they were done they set the table and sat with us.

"Crepes and fruit babe." Jonah said with a smirk on his face.

"I caught on." I said smiling and grabbing a crepe and putting Nutella and bananas on it.

"Thank you guys." Jax said and they started making conversation as I sat stuffing my face.

After my first crepe Jax smiled and goes, "guess what."

"What?" The guys said in unison.

"Last night Oak had 3 pieces of pizza." He said and a huge smile crept onto Milo and Jonahs faces.

"I'm so proud of you heathen!"
"Yea hun that's amazing!!" They said after each other excitedly.

"Thank you guys." I said putting a strawberry into my mouth.

"Of course pumpkin that's a big thing." Jonah said wiggling in his seat as if he was dancing.

"Do you have to piss?" Jax asked seriously making Milo laugh and Jonah scowl.

"No bitch this is my happy dance in a chair jackass." Jonah said rolling his eyes making me start to laugh.

"Roooood." Jax said taking a drink of his coffee.

"You started it I was just being nice." Jonah said.

"Alright you two." Milo said assertively making me laugh harder.

"What's so funny huh?" Jax asked scowling at me.

"You idiot." I said wiping the tears off my face from my fit of laughter.

"So mean to me Oak." Jax said pouting and holding a hand to his chest as if he was hurting.

"So sad." I said winking at Jonah.

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