20: Questions Answered

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The next morning when Caren woke up, she found the note Dylan had kept for her, on the nightstand. She then walked to the window and noticed that the ship was back at the port. She took out her phone to call Dylan but thought that he might be asleep after such a long night of partying, so instead of of calling, she decided to send a text message to his cell.

He replied her text 15 minutes later and told her he would be with her shortly.

They left the seaport almost immediately after he came to her room to get her. On their way out, Caren saw other people vacating the ship as well. Her eyes searched the dock to see if there were any familiar faces around but thankfully there were none. She felt quite relieved.

Dylan took her to the same resort they visited last time and he ordered breakfast for them. Shortly after they had finished eating, he ordered some deserts and coffee for the both of them.

"So how was the part last night?" She asked knowing she hadn't said much to him since they left the port.

"It was okay. I slept by 5am this morning but it was totally worth it." He smiled. "How was your night?"

"Was okay too. Thank you for inviting me to the party even though I slept through most of it."

"No it's fine. I have to apologize for everything that happened last night. Honestly, I've never seen my son act in such a barbaric manner before."

"I should be the one apologizing. Did he make more trouble after I disappeared?"

"I didn't see him around after he left with his friend. Must have retired to his room after creating that scene."

"I know you have a lot of questions to ask but you're just trying to be a gentleman."

"Well, yes frankly, I do have a lot of questions to ask but I'm not sure when to."

"You can ask me anything you want now. But before that, why didn't you tell me you were the owner of the company? That would have saved me a whole lot of trouble you know."

"Indeed! I take partial blame for not telling you the whole truth, but you see, I was a little bit worried."

"Worried about what?" She asked.

"I felt that if I had told you I was the owner of the company, you wouldn't be very much interested in getting to know me because of worth ethics or maybe you'd feel I'm one of those people who never take women seriously because of how much money I have. I was trying to play it safe."

"Did you know I was an employee there?"

"Not in particular. I knew your name as I had seen it appear in the company's records far too many times but I didn't know what you looked like. That night when you were called out to accept your award, I remembered your name. That's how I knew it was you."

"Oh, good!" She nodded.

"You know, even though I didn't know you in person I was very proud of you. You seemed to me like a very conscientious and determined person and that's what got me attracted to you."

"Thank you! I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. Any other question?" He smiled.

"Yes. Why weren't you sitting at the high table that night and how come I've never seen you at the office before?" She raised a brow.

"Well, over the past few years, I kinda took the back seat as regards this particular company's affairs and I let my son take full charge and be in control of it. I also have other companies that I run, some of them with my other kids, so I don't worry much about this one because frankly, Calvin is doing quite an amazing job with it."

"He is! You know, now that I'm looking at you, I kind of see a resemblance to not just Calvin, but also, to that picture hanging in the office lobby. It's you! I don't know how I never noticed all this while."

"Well, that was a picture from my 20s when I first started the company. I have changed a lot since then so the fact that you figured out it's me is actually outstanding. I always think about updating it but it somehow escapes my memory. Not really a huge picture person anyway."

"Yeah, I totally get you there. Not a picture person either. So when did you hand over the affairs of the company to Calvin?" She asked.

"About 6 to 7 years now." He rubbed his beard. "Yes, just about then."

"That's about the same time I started working there."

"I figured." He nodded.

"Right! Well then, I guess it's your turn to ask me some questions."

"Great...! So first and foremost, I'd like to know... Is there anything going on between you and my son?"

"No! There's nothing going on between us."

"Well for nothing going on, he definitely put up a show last night."

"Well, we shared a kiss once." She swept her hand across her face.

"There we go." Dylan smiled.

"Well that was it. It actually happened the same night I met you, at the End Of The Year's party."

"Before or after?"

"After! We hung out at this bar and then he drove me back to my apartment. That's when he kissed me. And I kissed him back too."

"So there's a little something something." He tilted his head.

"There's absolutely no something something. I mean everyone knows how hard it can be to back out of a kiss and trust me, I wanted to, but it just felt like a little piece of heaven after the heartbreak I had experienced prior to that moment. Even if I wanted to say no, my body just kept on saying yes. It was just a kiss and nothing more."

"I understand the feeling. So is there any particular reason you don't feel the same way towards Calvin as I presume he does towards you?"

"We are totally different people. We have absolutely nothing in common. Even though we've been good friends and I noticed he liked me a little, he never made a move because I was in a relationship. After he heard of my break-up, he decided to seize the opportunity and carve his way through to me. I'm still healing from everything. The last thing I want to do is use anyone as a rebound or get into something that I'm so sure will end before it begins. And I sure as hell won't take chances as regards where the relationship heads. People will not only get hurt but it will also waste a lot of precious time."

"You're right! It would be very unfair to take him for a ride knowing it's not going anywhere. You're very considerate and thoughtful of your actions especially when it affects others. I really admire that."

"Thank you! I try to be."

"I'd also like to ask one more thing if you don't mind."

Caren looked at him fully aware of the question he was about to ask. Her heart started beating a little faster. She knew that would probably be the end of their friendship once she opened up about the video. She had to do what she had to do.


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