1: A Leaked Video

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"Yes, my love?"

"I apologize for what I'm about to do but I really don't have any options left... I'm breaking up with you!"

"Huh?" She froze. The words replayed in her head. Did she hear him correctly? Of course he didn't just say he was breaking up with her. For all she knew, tonight was the night he was going to propose to her! She shook her head in desperate hopes that this was all just her imagination playing tricks on her. There's possibly no way she spent all that time preparing and getting dolled up for this special dinner, just to end up hearing this!

"Baby..." She smiled. "You must have had a really stressful day and the weather today was not funny at all. Were you out in the sun a lot?"

"Caren... I meant what I said! I think it's time we went our separate ways." He was calm but his face was stern.

"Miles, Sweetheart..." She chuckled. "I'm trying really hard to make this a very beautiful evening for us. So let's not push it any further okay?"

"Let's not push it any further? We are already at the extreme end and I don't want to fall off the cliff!" He replied seemingly annoyed.

"Fall off the cliff? What do you mean?"

"Why didn't you tell me about the video?" Miles asked.

"Video? What video?" She replied with wandering eyes.

"The video of you, making a fool of yourself online! Jesus Christ Caren! When are you going to get a hold of yourself?"

"Miles, I still don't know what the hell you're talking about!"

"You don't right? Just wait!" He said as he searched for the video on his phone. "Now take a look at this and tell me if you recognize the craziest person in this video."

Caren took the phone from his hand and as she played the video, she gasped so loud that the couple in the next table turned to look at them.

"Oh my God!" She covered her mouth with her hand. "Where did you get this?" She stared at him wide-eyed.

"My cousin sent it to me. How he got it? I have, absolutely no idea and neither does he! He said he found it as a random file on his phone. Caren... do you know what this could do to my political career if my opponents get their hands on this video? How could you have let this happen?"

"I... I... I don't know! Honestly, I was so drunk that I didn't even know I was being recorded. What do you care anyway? You were not in the video! And this happened like 5 years ago so why does it have to ruin your political career?" Caren asked feeling vexed.

"This affects me just as much because I was planning on making you my wife! Do you have any idea how hard I have worked to keep myself scandal-free up till this point? I'm sorry to sound this way but I cannot and will not be associated with anything that will tarnish my image or ruin the reputation I have built over the years. This is a huge stumbling block for me and I can't let it or anything else, stand in the way of me and my goal."

"But... I thought you loved me?" She asked as she felt her heart breaking into tiny pieces.

"I did... And I still do! And I wish there is a way to go around this but at this point, it's hopeless." He shook his head.

"Well seems like you already had your mind made up before you got here. Is there anything I can say or do, to change it?" She composed herself in a manner that'll conceal the flood of emotions running through her mind.

"I'm really sorry Caren but my mind's made up." He avoided her gaze.

"Alright then! I beg to take my leave now!" She snatched her purse from the table and turned to leave.

"Caren wait!" He stood up.

"What?" She snapped.

"Please let me at least give you a ride home okay?"

"I don't need your help. I can find my way home. Goodbye forever Miles. You just lost a good one and I hope you don't regret it!" With this, she turned and left.


Caren left the restaurant feeling sad and depressed. The last thing she wanted was to be alone, so instead of going home, she decided to stop by her best friend's apartment.

"Whoa! Back up for a second. How did his cousin get a hold of the video?" Jill asked inquisitively.

"I have no idea and neither does he."

"Damn. What exactly was the content of this video that made it so easy for him to walk away without thinking twice about it?"

"Well, it was a party that a friend's cousin organized in their home. I was very drunk and could barely remember half of what happened that night, but from the video, I was doing the keg stand and I set the record really high which made me super excited. I ripped every piece of clothing I had on and started running around butt naked feeling exhilarated. God, I'm so embarrassed now that I'm thinking about it."

"Oh dear... Listen, I know it must be really hard for you right now with Miles breaking up with you and all, but just try to look on the bright side. Maybe this is a sign that he isn't really the one meant for you."

"But I really love him. Yes, we've had our fair share of problems in the relationship but I felt like all those hurdles did, was strengthen our bond and make it unbreakable." Caren said as tears began rolling down her eyes.

"Who the hell uploaded that video online anyway? We need to find them and tell them to take it down." Jill said sternly.

"I wish I knew. There was like a hundred people at the party that night. Could have been anybody. I feel so stressed right now, I just want to take a cold shower and go to bed." Caren said as she rubbed her head.

"Aw! Why don't you spend the night here? It's already late for you to go home." Jill suggested.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to inconvenience you."

"Nonsense! What are friends for?" Jill smiled.

"Thanks girl. You're the best."

"Follow me to the room so I can give you something to change into." Jill stood up and lead the way while Caren followed behind.


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