34: The Spice Mistress

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Friday came around quickly and the afternoon came around even quicker. Caren was pretty sure she was a step ahead of her teammates on the company's new project which made her a little bit excited. Just like everyone else, she too, was really looking forward to working with their new client, and now that the opportunity finally came through, she knew she had to put in her best not just for her but also for the good of the company.

She thought about some fun things to do after work, after all, it was the weekend. Dylan crossed her mind. It's has been a while she talked to him. She felt bad that she had not kept him updated with the whole video drama after all, it was as a result of his encouragement that she came this far.

She picked up her phone and sent a text message to Dylan which read:

"I'm really sorry that I've been a little distant. Is it possible for me to see you tonight?"

She was about to go back to put her phone back in her handbag when it beeped. It was a reply from Dylan and it read:

"You really don't have to apologize. I know you have a lot going on and that's okay. Just glad to hear from you again. I'll pick you up at 7pm. Cheers x."

She smiled as her mind traveled through time to the moment where she was finally in the company of Dylan.

"Wow Girl, look at you blushing and smiling. Got a message from the boyfriend right?" Jade giggled.

"No Jade! I just remembered something that's why I smiled." She put her phone back into her handbag.

"Oh please! A smiled right after you received a text. So tell me, is he taking you somewhere fancy tonight?"

"First off, I don't have a boyfriend. A friend texted me and yes, we're hanging out tonight."

"A friend, huh?" She smiled flirtatiously. Well maybe to you, he's just a friend. But I'm petty sure that to him, you are so much more than that." She giggled.

"I don't know... Maybe there's a chance he likes me, but he hasn't asked me to be anything other than a friend."

"Oh come on, Caren! You have to learn to read the signs. Things are done a little bit differently these days. If a guy likes you, he wouldn't just put it out there. Instead, he'll do little things to impress you, like give you flowers, take you to nice places in town, always be at your beck and call, proffer solutions to your problems and so on."

"Hm! Very interesting." Caren nodded as she slowly realized the list contained everything Dylan has done for her. "Anyway, there's really not much I can say about it. I'm still a little bit old-fashioned so I prefer it when people express their true feelings towards me other than me just assuming stuff that probably doesn't exist. You know it's very easy to mistake kindness for something else."

"That's why you don't have to say anything about it. Instead, do something." Jade winked.

"Do what?" Caren asked inquisitively.

"Do the things that has to be done. Come on, Girl. You understand perfectly well what I'm saying. Listen, I don't know the type of guy you're seeing so it's hard for me to tell you how to get him to express himself to you. But as a woman, you should know that you have the power to get any man in this world, to open his heart to you."

"Okay... Go on!" Caren said as she eagerly waited to hear more.

"Oh, so you like what I'm saying right? I knew it was in there somewhere." She giggled.

"Jade, are you going to continue or not?" She arched her brow.

"Girl, it's like this, there are far too many women, desperately working behind the scenes to get a man's attention. If he's out here treating you nicely and always making sure you're happy, then there's a strong possibility that he feels something for you. It may not be very deep depending on how long you guys have known each other, but it definitely shows that you're somewhere on his top list. The question now is, do you like this guy? Or are you willing to let someone else snatch him right under your nose?" Jade asked as she swiped her finger beneath her nostrils.

"I like him. But there's no way I'm telling him that first!"

"You don't have to! See, most guys may decide not to come forth with their feelings if they see that you're not giving them any signal to move forward. They would rather remain silent and move in a different direction so as not to ruin the friendship that's already going on. You have to show this person that you are very much interested in them just as they are in you." Jade smiled.

"How do I do that?"

"You have to use the most natural and powerful gift known to mankind. The one bestowed on every woman on earth."

"Uhm... Is it what I'm thinking?" Caren raised an eyebrow.

"It is exactly that which you are thinking. The gift is your charm!"

"Oh, okay!" Caren laughed. "That was definitely not what I was thinking but I feel much more relieved hearing that. So how do I use my natural charm."

"Oh I can't tell you that! You have to figure that out on your own. But let me tell you the plans I have made for my date tonight. First, I'm going to prepare a very sumptuous meal for my man. When he's done eating, I'm going to begin my next task which is to make sure his other hunger is satisfied."

"Oh... That's intriguing."

"It is. After work today, I'm heading to my favourite lingerie store. I heard they have some new collections and I can't wait to try on some of them and find out the perfect one for tonight. I always love to put on a show before anything happens. Got to know how to spice things up and leave something lingering in their minds when it's all over."

"That sounds like a plan." Caren sheepishly smiled.

"Hey, why don't you come with me to the lingerie store?"

"Uhm... I don't know!"

"Come on, it'll be fun, I promise. We'll try out some things and see what fits. You don't have to buy anything if you don't want to, but trust me when I say, it'll be extremely hard for you to leave the store without anything."

"Hm! You know what, I think I'll come along." Caren smiled.

"Yay!" Jade giggled.


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