8: A Dog's Life in Danger

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On Christmas day, Halle and her family woke up early in order to prepare for the morning Mass at the Catholic Church. For them, it's been a long-standing family tradition to go to church on Christmas morning.

Caren wasn't big on the whole religion thing and the last time she had actually set foot in church was 2 years ago for a friend's wedding. However, this time was different. She was in someone else's home so out of respect for the family she was staying with, she decided to join them.

The Mass lasted for 2 hours after which they all went back home to celebrate and exchange gifts.

"Can you guess what I got for you?" Caren asked when they arrived.

"Wait, you got me a present?" Halle asked surprisingly.

"Of course I did!" She chuckled.

"Whoa! That means you brought it with you?" Halle asked.


"Aw, that's so thoughtful of you." Halle smiled. I actually bought your gift here. Mom helped me get it the day they went shopping." Halle giggled while doing a little dance.

"And here I was thinking you didn't get me anything. Smart move." Caren laughed. "Okay are you ready to see what I got for you?"

"I'm so, so ready." Halle squeaked out of excitement.

"Okay, hold on while I go get it from my bag." Caren said as she stood up from the couch.

"Ooh, I can't wait! I'm coming with you." Halle jumped up and ran behind her.

"Hey, I want to see what it is too." Liam yelled as he followed behind Halle while Preston tagged along.

Caren turned around and saw that everyone was in their room now.

"What, even Sunshine is here?" Caren burst out laughing as she watched the Labrador Retriever make her way through everyone to the front and sat down.

"Oh, you can tell she's also excited. Look at her tail go." Halle giggled.

"Well I hope you guys won't be disappointed, especially you Halle. My present is really small." Caren said as she deeped her hand into her bag to get it.

"I'm sure she'll appreciate it after all it's better than not receiving anything at all." Preston shrugged.

"You're absolutely right Preston. It's the thought that counts." Halle smiled.

"Here it is. Merry Christmas!" She handed the rectangular box wrapped in red paper to Halle.

"Wow, I wonder what could be in here." Halle said as she started unwrapping it while everyone watched in silence. "Oh no!" She covered her mouth and raised her eyes to Caren.

"What is it?" Liam asked inquisitively.

"Caren... I can't believe you bought this!" Halle blankly stared at her friend before taking the diamond necklace out of the box.

"Oh my goodness! That looks expensive." Liam commented as he stood up from the bed and walked over to the chair Halle was sitting on, to take a closer look at the necklace.

"But it is!" Halle looked at Liam and then took her eyes back to Caren. "Why did you do this for me?" Halle asked as her eyes filled up with tears.

"After that heartbreaking story you shared with me a few months ago, I knew I had to do something about it." Caren smiled.

"What story?" Preston asked.

"On my 15th birthday, shortly before my paternal grandmother passed away, she gave the most beautiful diamond necklace I had ever seen. She told me that her mother, who loved her so much, had given it to her as a gift when she was a very young girl. She explained that the reason she was passing it on to me was because she saw a lot of herself in me. I valued that necklace more than anything in my life. Unfortunately, 3 years later, some burglars broke into our home and the necklace was among the things they made away with." Halle's eyes dropped to the ground.

"That's so sad." Liam sighed.

"Sad is an understatement. I was so heartbroken, I cried for weeks."

"Man!" Liam shook his head.

"Anyway, a couple of months ago, Caren and I followed a mutual friend to this jewellery store to have her wedding ring cleaned. The next thing I saw when I looked around, was this beautiful diamond necklace, right there in the showcase, dazzling in front of me. Its resemblance to the necklace my grandmother gave to me was so uncanny that I was at a loss for words. Caren noticed my demeanor and asked me what was wrong. That's when I told her the story." Halle stared at the necklace again.

"Caren, that's amazing. I have to say, you deserve the friendship award for 5 years in a row for this kind act." Liam smiled.

"What are friends for, if we can't make each other happy at all times?" Caren smiled.

"So true!" Preston nodded.

"Come here Girl." Halle said as she threw her hands around her friend and gave her a tight hug. "I'm more than grateful Caren. Thank you so much." She forced the words out as tears began rolling down her eyes.

"Come on don't cry, it's okay." Caren smiled as she continued patting her on the back.

"Oh my God, I have to show everyone." Halle said as she took the box with the necklace in it, and grabbed Caren's arm.

"I'll meet you out there soon. I gotta use the bathroom." Caren said and did a little pee dance.

"Be quick so I can give you your present." Halle said and left the room.

Liam and Preston were about to leave the room too, when something caught Preston's eyes.

"What's that?" He asked, pointing towards an object in Caren's closet.

"What?" She asked.

"That red stuff."

"Oh, that's a ring magnet." She brought it out and handed it to him. "Halle's dad gave it to me."

"Oh, Cool." He nodded and gave it back to her before leaving the room.

She tossed it on the table and immediately ran into the bathroom to relieve herself. After washing her hands, she emerged from the bathroom and saw Sunshine playing on the bed.

"Sweety, I hope you're not chewing on the pillow. Come on let's go." She held on to Sunshine's waist and pulled her to the front of the bed but noticed she was still chewing on something.

"Sunshine! Did you bring food in here? What's in your mouth?" Caren asked as she bent down to take a closer look. To her greatest surprise, she noticed that Sunshine was chewing on the ring magnet.

"Huh! Oh no, no, no, no, no Sunshine, please, please give it to me. Give it to me Sunshine! Give it now!"

Sunshine turned her face to the other side and crawled up the bed.

"Sunshine! Okay, I was trying to be nice but I'm sorry we'll have to do this the hard way." She said as she got on top of her and struggled to get her mouth open.

Sunshine being a very strong dog, put up a good fight and continued to keep her mouth closed while Caren struggled to open it.

"Sunshine, for the love of God give me the damn magnet!" She yelled and forced the dog's mouth open. "Ugh, at last!" She rolled her eyes and looked inside her mouth but there was nothing in there.

"What? Sunshine... Where is it? Where the hell is the magnet? Is it under you?" She panicked as she lifted the dog off the bed and noticed that the magnet was no where to be seen.

"Where the hell did it go?" She looked around.

Just then, Sunshine began to cough, and within a couple of seconds, she looked like she was gasping for air.

"Oh no! Oh my God... OH MY GOD! HALLE! HALLE!"

*Cough ... Cough ... Cough*

"HALLE HELP!" Caren cried out as she held on to the dog.

"What is it?" Halle asked rushing into the room.



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