26: Lesson Learned

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"Oh no! I see that smile on you face. I wonder what's going through your mind now."

"Nothing!" She giggled.

"You sure? Or you trying to hide the truth from me so as not to make me feel bad about being single right?" He chuckled.

"You're single? Who would have thought! Are the ladies in this city blind or what? There's no way you're single." She rolled her eyes.

"Well, I'm glad you think I'm a catch but maybe the ladies in this city do need to get their eyes checked." He chuckled. "Either that or no one's meant for me."

"Or maybe you're not making yourself available to them." She shrugged.

"I really don't think so. I mean I'm here now, outside of my home. Can't be more available than this." He chuckled.

"A coffee shop, really?" She laughed. "People come here to relieve stress so it might be a little difficult for people to take notice of who or what's beside them. Everyone's invisible to everyone else in here."

"That absolutely makes sense. Anyway, If we're really being serious, there's a good reason as to why I'm still single... And that's because I haven't come across the right woman yet. You know, the one that's really meant for me and me alone. Not really into the 'here today, gone tomorrow' type of relationship."

"I understand. But still, how are you going to find her if you're always busy and not creating that opportunity? You have to create an environment or better still, place yourself in an environment where you can meet new people and connect. Who knows, you may just find the one."

"I could do it that way, but then, that'll just mean I'm taking matters into my own hands by going out to 'find' this person. Based on the kind of person that I am, I'd rather just sit back and let things work out for me. That way, it gives me a sense of peace and serenity knowing that I'm not forcing things to go my way. I just sit back and let the universe take the driver's seat. It's hard for things to go wrong when the universe is in charge. And even if the universe is driving and things still don't go my way, I'm rest assured it'll leave me with a sense of satisfaction rather than a bitter feeling."

"Wow! That's a wonderful mindset you have right there. I never looked at it that way before. As a matter of fact, I'm always stressing myself with plans and putting in unnecessary efforts to make things work. The worst part? They end up not working out and I'm left to bear the pains of wasted efforts."

"You don't have to blame yourself, Caren. Instead, I want you to realize, you can only be a captain in your own ship. It doesn't matter who's riding with you, what matters is that you be in control of your own ship at all times. The faster you learn that, the easier life becomes. The main point here, is that you never let yourself hitchhike on someone else's boat."

"How do I do that?"

"I'll tell you, but let me ask you a question first. Have you ever been in a situation where you made certain plans for yourself, executed them to the end and got outstanding results?"

"Yes I've been in such situations." She replied.

"Good! Now let me ask you another question. Has there been a different time when you became part of someone else's plan which made you abandon your own ship for someone else's? For example, agreeing to go along with someone else's ideas or plans without giving it a thought or considering whether it's what the universe wants for you."

"Yes, that has happened a lot."

"Now tell me? How did that go?" He asked.

"Horrible! In fact, I don't think there's ever a time I hopped on someone else's boat and it ended well for me." She shook her head.

"Of course it wouldn't. The universe lets go of you the second you let someone else direct your path."

"I totally get it now. The only problem is, I find it difficult to turn people down."

"That is a habit you may want to learn how to break because some time, it might be in your best interest to dish out a firm no and at other times, it may just be that your purpose for the day is to be a part of someone else's plan. That doesn't mean you should abandon your ship and hop onto theirs... It simply means you can drive yours alongside theirs." He smiled.

"Ahh... This lesson just keeps running deep like the ocean. I'm afraid I'll never be able to figure it out." She laughed.

"Yes you will." He smiled. "You will, when you learn to connect with what's inside of you. You have to realize that if the universe is trying to tell you something, it'll reach out to you through the greatest thing you possess, and it's up to you to listen attentively."

"What's this greatest thing? My mind?" She asked inquisitively.

"Your soul." He smiled.

"Wow! I'm so grateful for having this conversation with you. I feel so enlightened all of a sudden. It feels like I just come out of a cage."

"Everything happens for a reason." He smiled. "But then that brings us back to the original question." He arched his brows and his eyes lit up.

"Well, I am single as of now, but... I do have man in my life that I feel a certain connection to and even though we're not super exclusive right now, I have a strong feeling that it'll eventually develop into something beautiful." She smiled.

"That's really sweet and I'm more than happy for you. I just want you to never forget that you're the total package, Caren. Any man who has you on his side, doesn't need this world for any reason whatsoever."

"Aw... Dave, that's really, really sweet. Thank you." She smiled.

"You're welcome! Listen uhm, I know it's been a while you've seen or spoken to your friend Olivia. I know this because she told me it's been years since she last heard from you."

"Yes, that's true!" Caren lied. "I was going to ask you about her. Where is she now?"

"Still here and doing exceedingly well. She owns one of the hottest nightclubs in this city and the place is super neat.

"Wow!" She gasped. "That's so cool!"

"It is! I'm sure she'll be more than excited to hear from you after all these years. I'll give you the address of the nightclub and her phone number so you can give her a call sometime. Who knows, maybe oneday I'll run into you over there and we can all have a good laugh, share a couple of drinks and party till dawn." He smiled.

"That'll be awesome." Caren replied.

"I'll be right back!" He got up and walked over to the counter.

Caren looked back and saw a waiter hand Dave a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote something on it before returning to the table.

"Here you go." He gave her the paper. "That's her phone number and the address of the night club."

"Thank you so much Dave. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome. It was more than a pleasure running into you today, Caren. I really hope to see you more often if the universe permits."

"It was a pleasure meeting you as well, Dave." She smiled.

"Thank you. I'm afraid I have to leave you now." He took his books in his hand and stood up. "Make sure you take care of yourself and be good always."

"I will, Dave! You as well." She stood up and gave him a friendly hug.

He got to the door and turned back to look at Caren one last time. He waved her goodbye before finally exiting the coffee shop.


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