18: An Unexpected Outcome

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"Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you..."

"Hip, hip!" Dylan yelled.

"Hurray." The guests responded.

"Hip, hip!"

"Hurray." The guests chanted.

"Hip, hip!"

"Hurrayyyyyy." Casey cut her cake at the sound of this and everyone gave a round of applause.

"Thank you so much everyone. I'm very grateful that you guys were able to take some time out of your busy schedule to come here and celebrate with me tonight. You all are so amazing. I want to use this opportunity to give a big thanks to God almighty for all the blessings he's rained down, on me and my entire family all these years and also for making me turn 55 in good health and happiness.

I also want to thank my brother, Dylan, for honouring me today in such a prestigious manner. You are the best gift mom and dad ever gave to me and I am so, so glad to have you in my life as my little brother. I pray that God continues to bless and keep you safe for all of us that cherish you. I love you so much." She wiped a tear off her right eye and blew a kiss to Dylan which he immediately returned.

"Thank you all once more for coming out here to celebrate with me. I'm indeed very grateful. Make sure you all enjoy yourselves to the fullest because there's so much to eat and drink and the party doesn't stop until morning. God bless you!" She waved to the party guests before stepping off the podium.

There was another round of applause then everyone went back to talking and dancing.

"Care to dance?" Dylan asked Caren.

"I'm horrible at dancing. It's the one thing I think I can never learn." She chuckled.

"How about you let me lead? It's the one thing I'm very good at."

"What? Dancing or leading?" She asked.

"Well I was going to say dancing, but if you check it, it's really both." He chuckled.

"You're hilarious. Okay, I'll dance but only for a few minutes. Is that okay?"

"Hey, I'll take it! They say, half a loaf is better than none." He chuckled as he took both her hands in his and drew her to the dance floor.

"Wow, you are really good at this." Caren giggled as she followed his lead.

"It's one of the many things I know how to do best. By the way, even though the party is going pretty well, I have to admit that your presence here is holding the whole thing together. At least for me."

"Aw, why do you say that?"

"I don't know... I just feel a little more happier and livelier knowing you're here. Thank you for coming. I really appreciate it." He smiled.

"Happy to be here. You know, I was blushing the whole time we were with your sister. The way you introduced me was very sweet and unexpected." She smiled.

"I hope I wasn't too forward. I promise to tone it down a bit when I introduce you to the rest of the family."

Caren drew in a deep breath. She wasn't sure what it was but her stomach turned a bit on hearing that she'd soon meet the rest of his family. Was it that she was nervous at how fast everything was moving or was it just mere excitement? She had barely decided on the answer to the question when Dylan tapped her on her shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine! Sorry, just remembered something I left undone at home." She smiled.

"Hey, no thinking of any work here, okay? You're here to enjoy yourself and have fun. Got it?" He touched her nose.

"Sure." She giggled.

"I don't want to wear you out. The night is still young. I'll let you sit down while I go and get us some drinks."

"Thank you!" She replied.

"Stay safe! I'll be right back." He took her right hand and kissed it before leaving.

When he left, Caren scanned the entire room with her eyes. For all she knew, she was dining with some of the fanciest people she'd ever seen all in one place. It made her wonder who Dylan really was. "Wonder what kind of business he's into..." She muttered sotto voce.

She hadn't bothered asking him before because she didn't want him to feel like she was prying into what didn't concern her. But having seen that he not only has wealthy friends but also, throws lavish parties, she thought it wise to find out as soon as possible in order to avoid getting into trouble because the last thing she wanted, was to sleep in jail again.

"Caren, I'm sorry I took too long." Dylan apologized. "I hope no one bothered you while I was gone?"

"No, no one did. I'm perfectly fine. I hope everything's okay?"

"Oh yes, everything's fine. I ran into more family members. One of my sons couldn't make it. Said he had something really important to do. Don't know what's more important than family," he shrugged. "Anyway my daughter and my other son's here. I hope you don't mind meeting them? I promise I won't say any of those mushy stuff. I don't want you feeling uncomfortable." He smiled.

"Thank you." She giggled.

"Oh, here they come." Dylan's eyes lit up. "Over here!" He waved to them.

Caren turned around and spotted a young woman probably the same age as her, making her way through the crowd. Just immediately, the 2 people walking directly behind her came in full view and upon seeing them, Caren froze in place.

"Oh my God!" She turned and stared out the window. Her face turned pale and her heart began to beat so fast, she thought it was going to explode any moment.

"Caren, are you okay?" Dylan asked seemingly concerned.

"Uhm... Yeah!" Her throat went dry.

"Hey Dad!" His daughter called out.

"Bonnie, Calvin, I'd like you to meet my friend -----"

"Caren!?" Calvin called out, cutting his dad short.

She slowly turned around and locked eyes with Calvin. His expression was stern and his gaze was intense. For a second, she thought it would be a better option to jump off the ship and take her chances with the ocean rather than continue the staring contest with him. But that wasn't going to happen. She was trapped!


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