15: An Invitation

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The next morning, Caren woke up feeling refreshed after a wonderful night's rest at the beach resort. As soon as she was done with her massage, she took a nice hot bath and got ready for the day.

By 11 AM, she was down at the lobby waiting for Dylan. She waited a while but noticed he was running a little bit late so she decided to take a walk around the resort in order to pass time.

"Now what's a beautiful lady like you doing all by herself out here." The words floated into her ears from a distance.

She smiled upon hearing that. A familiar line from a familiar voice. She turned around and saw Dylan walking towards her.

"I was waiting for you in the lobby. When you didn't show up, I decided to stretch my legs." She said, when he got much closer.

"They look pretty stretched to me. Yesterday you were a lot shorter." He chuckled.

"Haha! What? I'm a tall woman. I stand at 173 centimeters for your information.

"173, with or without heels?" He arched his brow.

"Haha! I can see you're out for me today. Okay fine! You're a giant, I accept. Shall we change your name from Dylan to Goliath?" She smirked.

"Only if we change yours to David." He chuckled.

"Ugh! Well... That wouldn't be such a bad thing. All that would do is show that I'm stronger than you." She threw her hair back and folded her arms.

"Well, I guess in some ways you are as a woman." He winked and gave a naughty smile.

"Oh please!" She blushed feeling embarrassed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to come off like that." He smiled.

"Oh really?" She asked, wearing a surprised look on her face.

"Okay, maybe just a little." He laughed. "But come on, let's face it! You are so much stronger than I am." Dylan shrugged.

"How so?"

"Well, how about the fact that I haven't been able to get you off my mind since I met you. And now that I'm in contact with you, I don't know if I can last a whole day without seeing you. Now tell me, is that picture clear enough for you to see that you are way stronger than I am?"

"Hm! Maybe you have a point there." She smiled.

"Thank you!" He laughed. "Well let's get you to the car shall we." He gently touched her on her back as they began walking.

"Was there a lot of traffic while you were driving down here?" She asked, now seated in the car.

"Oh, not at all! I've actually been here for like an hour now."

"An hour? And there I was thinking you were running late." She giggled.

"I'm sorry that you thought so. I didn't want to bother you when I arrived because I know how ladies like to take their time and all that. So I sat with my friend at the bar while waiting for 11AM to come. Didn't even know when it passed."

"That's okay. You're such a gentleman. By the way, thank you for getting me a room at the beach resort last night. I had a nice and peaceful sleep. Something that I really needed."

I'm happy you're happy." He smiled. "Oh that reminds me! I'm throwing a birthday party for my sister on Saturday. Being the only sibling that I have, and one of the very few people I hold in very high esteem, she deserves nothing but the best from me. I want to cordially invite you to come and celebrate with us if you can. It'll mean so much to me."

"On Saturday?" She confirmed.

"Yes! So sorry the invitation is coming late. It was part of the reason why I was anticipating your call. Please come." His eyes lit up while he waited for her response.

"Uhm... Okay, I'll be there!" She smiled.

"Thank you!"


That afternoon, Caren was relaxing in her living room, watching a show on TV, when her phone started to ring.

"Hey Girlie, so nice of you to call. How's the vacation so far?" Caren asked.

"Vacation's over man! I'm at the airport ready to board. I'll be there soon." Halle responded.

"Really? I thought you were supposed to return tomorrow. Why the sudden rush?"

"Apparently my apartment's flooding. I got a call from the landlord saying the tenant below me complained that there's a serious leakage coming from the ceiling and that if I'm not there before nightfall, they'll have no other choice but to break in and investigate the source of the leakage."

"Oh my God, that's terrible! How on earth did that happen?"

"I have no idea. I guess I'll find out when I get there. I'll try to come over today if I can."

"No need for that! As soon as you arrive, call me to meet you up. You may need my assistance so it's better I'm there with you."

"Thank you so much Girl. You are truly a wonderful friend."

"Here for you anytime. Have a safe flight."

"Thank you! See you soon."


By evening that same day, the problem causing the leakage had been resolved. Apparently the cause of it all was a hole in the pipe connected to the sink. Even though the situation was resolved, Halle's bedroom was left in ruins as a result of the overflow of water finding its way there.

Together, Caren and Halle took care of the mess the leakage had created and in no time, the place was back to normal.

"Girl, I can't thank you enough for your help. I really don't know how I would have cleaned this place up all by myself. Thank you so much." Halle said.

"No worries Girl. Glad I was able to help. This place still smells a little bit damp and you're going to have to air out some of your stuff."

"Yes it does. Only God knows how long here was flooded for. I'm just happy the place is clean again. As for the things that got wet, I'll take care of them tomorrow. I'm super exhausted right now."

"How about we go to my place? If you sleep in here with this smell, you might wake up with a serious headache tomorrow. I think it's best you stay at my place till here's all nice and dry again."

"Aw, thanks Dear. You are truly an angel. I'll just quickly grab some of my stuff."

"Sure! Take your time." Caren smiled.


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