7: An Embarrassing Story

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Christmas Eve, the day that ushers in the birth of Jesus. Mr and Mrs Patterson had gone out early enough to buy the remaining presents that'll be wrapped up and placed beneath the Christmas tree. Mrs Howell was in the kitchen cooking and the aroma of the dishes she was preparing, gently found it's way into the guest room and woke the girls up from their sleep.

"Halle, are you up?" Caren asked as she wiped the sleep off her eyes.

"Yes I am. Good morning... Did you sleep well?" She asked as she rolled to her side and faced Caren.

"Saying I slept well is an understatement. These are the best nights I've had in weeks."

"I'm glad you had a great night. I don't know what grandma's cooking but it smells so tantalizing." Halle said as she got up from the bed and stretched.

"I was thinking the same thing. We better get up and go help her in the kitchen." Caren suggested as she made her way to the adjoining bathroom.

They both brushed their teeth and proceeded to join Mrs Howell in the kitchen.

"Morning girls!" Mrs Howell said to them.

"Good morning!" They replied.

"Hope you girls had a wonderful sleep. Breakfast is almost ready so hang in there." Mrs Howell smiled.

"Is there anything we can help you with?" Caren asked.

"Don't worry you're pretty head Sweetheart. I'm almost done anyway." She replied.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" Halle asked.

"They went out to get a few things but should be back any minute now." Mrs Howell replied. "Oh, I hear the sound of a car pulling up. Check if it's them."

"It is!" Halle exclaimed as she left the window and went to open the door. "Welcome back Mom and Dad."

"Thank you Sweety! You needed to have seen the crowd at the mall. This is the reason I dislike last minute shopping." Mrs Patterson sighed.

"Thank goodness you both came back safe and sound." Caren laughed as she took the bags off Mr Patterson's hands and set them close to the Christmas tree.

Later in the afternoon, Halle's aunty, Mrs Celia Moore and her sons, Liam and Preston, arrived at the house and everyone welcomed them.

"Look at my niece Halle, you've grown into a fine lady. How long has it been since I last saw you?" Celia smiled as she held her at arm's length.

"Like 3 years now." Halle giggled.

"Definitely felt like 10 I'll tell you that." It's so good to see you all again."

"And we're more than happy to see you again Sis." Mrs Patterson gave her younger sister a big hug. "By the way, where is your husband? And where are your bags?"

"My husband couldn't join us because he's away on a work trip. He sends his greetings to everyone. As for our bags, we had to stop by an hotel before coming here. I knew this place would be too small to accommodate all of us." Celia laughed.

"Aw, well you know we would have all managed. But I guess your comfort is all that matters." Mrs Patterson smiled and hugged her sister again.

"So little cousins, what have you guys been up to?" Halle asked.

"Nothing much! Just college stuff. In my second year now so that's the latest about me." Liam smiled.

"Oh wow, congratulations Liam! I'm so proud of you. How about you Preston?" She turned to him.

"Well, currently a senior in high school. I recently applied to a few colleges out of state and I got accepted into 3." He grinned.

"Really? That's amazing Preston. To think that you once hated school so much!" Halle shook her head and laughed.

"Oh no! Here we go again." Preston covered his face with his palm.

"Caren, you've got to hear this little story." Halle giggled.

"Oh come on Halle! Not everyone has to know. Besides, I've come a long way since then."

"That's why you shouldn't be bothered about people knowing about it. It helps to show how much you've grown up."

"I don't really care. I still find it embarrassing."

"Okay I promise this will be last time I ever bring up this story again. But please permit me to tell it one last time. Please, please, please!" She smiled.

"Okay fine! Maybe Caren doesn't want to hear about it anyway."

"Oh, I'm all ears for this one!" She clapped her hands in excitement.

"Haha! That's my girl!" Halle gave her the thumbs-up gesture. "Okay... So many years ago, there was a period during my teens that I spent, living with aunty Celia yeah?"

"Yeah, I think you mentioned something like that to me before." Caren nodded.

"Exactly! Did you know that Preston would leave the house in the morning making us believe he's on his way to school. And then, after everyone's left, he'd sneak back in, through his bedroom window?"

"Huh? Are you serious?" Caren's eyes grew wider.

"More than serious. This went on for about a month! He kept on posting letters on behalf of his parents, to the school authorities, telling them why he can't be there."

"Oh dear. That takes some guts!" Caren chuckled. "How did they find him out?"

"The old lady next door ratted him out to his dad." Halle burst out laughing.

"That was a really funny story." Caren laughed.

"Yeah, yeah!" Preston rolled his eyes.

"Lunch is ready, everyone!" Mrs Howell called out as she began setting the dishes on the dining table.

After everyone had eaten and rested for a while, they went outside to play a game of fetch with Sunshine. Later on, they went inside and continued playing board games till it grew dark.

"Alright boys, time to head back to the hotel." Celia said to her sons.

"Oh Mom, can't we stay a little longer?" Liam said seemingly enjoying the company of his cousin and her friend.

"It's already dark out and you know I don't like us staying out late." Celia reminded him.

"That's okay Liam. Tomorrow is another day." Halle smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"Alright! See you guys tomorrow." He said as he stood up and adjusted his shirt.

"Goodnight everyone! Catch ya'll tomorrow." Celia waved as she waited until both of her sons were out the door.

"Goodnight. Get home safe." Everyone replied.


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