5: A Charming Stranger

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Caren suddenly felt herself loss for words. The first thing she noticed standing so close to him was his big sparkly brown eyes and short brown hair with streaks of grey in it. He was tall, extremely good looking and somewhat muscular. Looked to be in his late 40s.

"Who said I'm all by myself?" She smiled.

"Well then I better be on alert just in case someone decides to come at me." He laughed, revealing a set of pearly white teeth.

"Don't worry you're fine." I smiled.

"I'm Dylan by the way. And you are?"


"Pleasure to meet you, Caren." He said as he took her right hand and kissed it.

Shortly after, a waiter came around with a tray full of drinks and Dylan took 2 glasses filled with champagne and gave one to her.

"So tell me, what's your Christmas wish?" He asked.

"To find that which would make me feel fulfilled. Not even I, know what that is."

"Very interesting." Dylan nodded.

"What about you? What's your Christmas wish?" She asked.

"To be honest, I don't think I'm really looking for anything anymore. I've been blessed with the most wonderful children any man could ask for, and when it comes to my business, I think I'm doing pretty good over there too." He smiled.

"Well that's good. At least we have room for more Christmas wishes." She joked and Dylan laughed hysterically.

"Okay, that's a good one." He nodded trying to suppress his laughter.

"Well, it was lovely meeting you Dylan but I've got to go be with my friends now."

"That's okay. I have to say that meeting you tonight was actually the highlight of my day and If it's not too much trouble for you, I'd be more than happy to see you again. Will you accept my card and give me a call sometime please?" He raised his brows in anticipation.

"Sure!... Wait a minute! Are you married? Because, I can't get myself involved in such games."

"I respect you for that and the answer is no. I was once married but my wife passed away 9 years ago." His eyes fell to the ground.

"Oh no! I'm really sorry about that." She sympathized.

"Thank you." He replied.

"Well, I guess I'll take the card then. Expect a call from me sometime soon." She smiled.

"I'll be waiting. You take care now."

"You too!" As she walked away, she could feel his eyes piercing through her back. When she got to the door, she did a slight head turn to confirm if his eyes were really on her and he smiled immediately their eyes locked. She gave a little wave with her hand before entering the hall.

"Girl, where have you been?" Jill asked.

"I was out in the terrace. Did anyone miss me?"

"I did." Calvin exclaimed as he joined them at the table.

"Aw, you're sweet!" She giggled.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I think I'm ready to go home now. This week has been exhausting. I need to get as much rest as I can this weekend." Jill said as she took her car keys out her purse.

"You're not alone on that." I've got to get packing for our trip on Sunday." Halle added.

"How far are you with packing?" Calvin asked Caren.

"I'm halfway through. I'll finish the rest tomorrow."

"Well that's good because I'll still love to spend some more time with you tonight if you're not too tired."

"Maybe I can stay a little longer."

"Well, I've got to go now. I'll come and see you at your place tomorrow alright?" Jill said.

"I'll be expecting you. Drive safe." She stood up and gave her a hug before she left.

"Have to be on my way too. Need to get packing. Later guys."

"Get home safe Sweety." Caren said as she watched Halle leave.

"I guess that leaves the 2 of us. Would you like to go somewhere nice for a drink?" Calvin asked.



Calvin drove Caren to a bar about 5 minutes away. When they got there, there was a live band performing. He ordered their drinks after which they went and took seats adjacent to the stage.

"This is a really nice place." She said to him.

"I'm glad you like it. This place is my getaway whenever I'm stressed and need a break. I'd just come here and get lost in the music."

"I can see why. Everything from the structure to the lights to the music makes this place feel magical." She said as her eyes roamed the place.

"It sure does." He smiled.

The pair spent the next couple of hours talking, laughing and singing along to the live band.

"Aw I had so much fun tonight Calvin, but It's really getting late and I have to get going." She said with a sad expression on her face.

"It is kinda late. Don't want to deprive you from your beauty sleep. I'll drive you home."

"Thank you."

10 minutes later, Caren was in front of her apartment building and Calvin got down from the car and walked to her side to open the door for her.

"Aren't you a true gentleman." She giggled as she came down from the car.

"So I guess this is it till you come back from your vacation right?" He asked.

"Yes I guess so. Although we will always chat and talk till I get back yes?"

"Of course!" He smiled.

She observed his eyes were fixed on hers. His gaze was intense and she could feel him staring into her soul. Her heart started racing, adrenaline pumping, her mind blowing all at once.

She could feel butterflies in her tummy and but she didn't know what to make out of it. After all she just got out of a relationship she felt so dearly about. The last thing she needed was to feel this way.

Next thing she knew, she was in the arms of Calvin holding on to him tightly as he kissed her under the beautiful night sky.

The only thing she could feel was his warmth emanating from his strong embrace. To her, it was a magical moment. A feeling she wanted to stop but couldn't.

"That was really good." He said as he gently let go of her.

"Thanks...! I mean yes! Yes it was." She shook her head.

"I'll see you when you get back and I'll try as much as I can, not to call you." He chuckled.

"Drive safely." She smiled as she tried to conceal her shyness.

"I will. Have a great night." He said as he got into his car.

She stood there and watched him drive away until his taillights disappeared into the night.


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