29: All-knowing Jake

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On Saturday afternoon, Caren met up with Olivia at a very fancy restaurant.

"Oh wow! This place is really nice." Her eyes dazzled in admiration as they wandered around the place. "Can't believe I've been in Los Angeles this long and never knew a place like this existed."

"That's because you barely have a social life Girl!" Olivia rolled her eyes.

"And how do you know that?"

"Because I know you too well. I know that's how you've always been. For someone who's best friends with Halle, I'd expect you to know this city more than I do." She chuckled.

"Well sorry to say but I definitely can't keep up with Halle's social life even though I tried." Caren giggled.

"Oh that's for sure! She's definitely out of control." Olivia laughed.

"Maybe back then, but she's really calmed down now. I guess juggling work and social life can be hard sometimes."

"Well that's why I do what I do! I get to work and have fun at the same time." She winked.

"Honestly, you pull it off really well. You're nightclub is bomb! I'm really proud of you for becoming you're own boss. Hopefully I'll be like you someday." Caren smiled.

"And I'll be here to support you all the way Girl! Thanks for your kind words."

"You're welcome." She smiled.

"Are you feeling okay? You seem a little bit tensed." Olivia observed.

"Honestly I am. Imagine bringing your cousin all the way here just to interrogate him about something that happened years ago. He probably wouldn't even remember the party talk less of recalling my face. And what if he doesn't have the answer? I mean I'm trying not to raise my hopes too high but it would really suck to leave here with the same information we already know. The whole thing is just so nerve-racking."

"Caren can you relax? Listen, even if Jake doesn't provide us with the answers we need, I promise you we won't stop here. We'll keep on going at it until we get to the end of the puzzle. For now, it's better we look relaxed as opposed to acting all nervous and distressed. We want to create a comfortable environment for him to be able to think straight and remember all the facts. Okay?"

"Sure! I'm really sorry. I'll behave now." She smiled.

"That's my girl! Oh, he's here!" She waved to him as he entered the restaurant and beckoned him over.

"Hey Cuz! How's it going?" He smiled as he opened his arms and gave Olivia a hug.

"Everything is great, Jake. It's been a while. Please, have a seat."

"Thank you." He pulled the chair backwards and sat down. "I see you've got company." He said as he removed his phone and keys from his pockets and set them on the table.

"Yes I do! This is my friend, Caren. I'm not sure you'll be able to recall but she was at one of the many parties you threw at your old house about 5 years ago."

"You know, she actually looks kinda familiar but it might be a little difficult to pinpoint exactly when and where I met her considering I threw a lot of parties that year and met tons of people at them.

"Let see... How can I remind you of the exact party now." Olivia tapped on her chin a couple of times. "Oh, got it! It was the same party that you introduced me to your then-girlfriend, Macy. I think you told me you threw it because you were trying to impress her or something like that. She chuckled."

"Oh, I definitely remember now!" His eyes moved to Caren. "You were there with Halle right?"

"Yes!" Caren's eyes lit up. "Remarkable memory you've got there."

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