30: Eagle-eyed Jake

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"Um... If I didn't ask you for it, who did then?" Caren asked calmly as she tried to contain her eagerness. She could feel her temperature rising by the second as she focused all her attention on Jake's lips, waiting patiently for him to respond to her question.

"As much as I would love to answer that, I'm afraid I can't." He replied.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because I don't want to get involved, that's why! It's very clear that this isn't a small issue."

"That's why we want you to help us get to the root of the problem." Olivia placed her hand on her cousin's arm. "You just said that you personally authorized the taking of that video. All we need to know now is the name of the person who asked for your permission."

"Yes, but from what she's just told me, it seems as if someone is out to get her. If they discover I'm the one who told her, they might just come after me as well. I really don't want to be involved in such risky games."

"Great! So there's no hope for me I guess." Caren's eyes fell as she sighed.

"All hope is not lost. I can still help you."

"How?" Caren's eyes settled on him again. "You just said you don't want to get involved."

"Yes not in person. But there's still a way. All you'll need to do is exercise some patience."

"Why do I need to exercise some patience?" Caren asked.

"You'll need to exercise some patience so you can see everything that happened to you that night with your own eyes."

"I don't understand... What are you saying?" She asked.

"Somewhere buried in my basement are the flash drives containing all the videos captured on my security cameras, including all the numerous parties I had."

"I'm such an idiot! How could I have forgotten you had security cameras everywhere." Olivia's eyes lit up and she looked at Caren with a huge smile on her face. "This is it! Now we can finally see who's behind this. They won't be able to deny it now that we have sufficient proof."

"Oh wow! That's really great! But pardon me for asking, how come you had hidden cameras at the party yet you took everyone's phone away?" Caren asked seemingly surprised.

"The cameras weren't hidden. They were right there on every corner of the house. Clear enough for everyone to see." He replied.

"Oh, I must not have seen them."

"I didn't have them for nothing, they were there for a reason. The truth is, anything can happen when you throw house parties. It's practically impossible for me to monitor what's going on around the house and still have the time to enjoy the party. My security cameras are like my third eye. They help me to see what everyone is doing and where they're doing it. And I'm not referring to the crazy, naughty activities even though I'm pretty sure my cameras caught a whole bunch of those. My concern was about having some sort of evidence just in case the cops came knocking on my door for whatever reason."

"Which they did! Remember that whole problem with Matt and that other guy, what was his name again?" Olivia closed her eyes and tapped her forehead.

"Tristan!" Jake responded immediately.

"Tristan, yes!"

"What happened?" Caren asked.

"They both got uncontrollably drunk during one of my parties. Not sure how everything started but before we knew what was going on, a serious fight broke out between them. In the process, Tristan tried to hit Matt but aimed wrongly and punched someone else in the eye."

"Oh dear!" Caren gasped.

"The police eventually arrived and arrested both of them. While they were at the station, Tristan said it was Matt who punched the other guy, not him. The next day, the cops showed up on my doorstep asking for the security camera footage from the party which I willingly gave them. Not sure what happened to them after that."

"Oh wow!" Caren shook her head.

"That was one crazy night. Because of that whole incident, everyone started calling my cousin, Eagle-eyed Jake." Olivia chuckled.

"I actually forgot about that, but yes, I became known as Eagle-eyed Jake." He laughed.

"Uh-huh! From then on, all the troublemakers and showstoppers knew better than to create any type of drama at Jake's party. They realized his eyes were always on them even though he wasn't physically looking at them." She tittered.

"Makes total sense, and It's for the best to have security cameras around. That way, no one will get away with anything."

"Exactly!" Jake concurred.

"So you actually have all the records of every part you've ever had in your house?" Caren asked.

"Every single one of them! I actually thought about deleting them since it's been years and no cops have come asking for any of the videos, but I've really not had any chance to do that. Apart from my work that has been taking most of my time, I'm yet to complete the renovation of my house and settle in."

"You're not done with that?" Olivia asked.

"Not yet!"

"Then why did you move in?"

"My agent found a buyer for the old house and they made a really great offer. Didn't want it to slip away."

"So where have you been staying?" Olivia asked seemingly concerned.

"I spend most of my times in hotels plus these days I'm hardly ever in the city. I'm almost done with the house anyway. All that's left is a little touch-up to the living room, setting-up of the fence and installation of the home security system. All that should be done by next week hopefully."

"Caren do you hear that? It's only a matter of time and we get what we've been searching for." Olivia cheered her on and Caren smiled.

"I'd have loved to give the flash drive a lot sooner but most of my stuff are still locked up in the basement. As soon as I sort out my things and find it, I'll give you guys a call to come over."

"Honestly this is the best news I've heard all day. Finally my misery will come to an end." Caren smiled and held Olivia's hand. "Thank you for all your help Girl, I appreciate it."

"No need to thank me Dear. Real friends are supposed to stick together and help one another." She squeezed Caren's hand.

"Well Ladies, expect a call from me soon. I've got to run now." Jake stood up and adjusted his t-shirt.

"Take care, Dear." She replied.

"I will! You guys as well." He planted a kiss on Olivia's cheek and shook Caren's hand.

"See you soon!" Caren waved him goodbye.


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