6: A Trip To Reno

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On Sunday morning, Caren and Halle boarded their flight to Reno, Nevada. They arrived safely after an hour and when they got out of the airport, they took an airport taxi and headed for Halle's grandparent's house.

30 minutes later they were at the house and Halle's Grandmother, Mrs Howell, was more than excited to see her.

"Oh my darling, I'm so happy to see you. I have missed you so much." She repeatedly held Halle at arm's length to admire her and then held her close again.

"Aw Grandma, I missed you so much too. So happy to be with you again."

"Aw my baby. This should be your friend Caren yes?" She asked as she looked over to Caren at the back.

"Yes Grandma. You remember her right? We were neighbours back in the day and Caren and I used to play together all the time. I don't think there's a time Caren wasn't in our house when you visited us." Halle giggled.

"She does look kinda familiar but Honey, that was ages ago so you have to forgive Grandma for being a little slow." She chuckled.

"That's totally fine Mrs Howell. You look absolutely wonderful after all these years and it's more than a pleasure to meet you again." Caren smiled.

"Oh, thank you Sweetheart. You are so beautiful."

"Aw, thank you." Caren blushed.

"You're welcome. Oh look Halle, there's your grandpa coming back from his walk with Sunshine." Mrs Howell said.

Sunshine saw Halle from down the road and started wagging her tail uncontrollably. When they got closer to the house, Mr Howell let the leash go and she ran with full speed towards Halle.

"Hey Sunshine, ooh I missed you so much, yes I did. I got you something really nice I know you'll like because you are such a good girl, yes you are." Halle giggled then continued baby talking to the yellow Labrador Retriever.

"If it isn't my favourite granddaughter."

"Oh Grandpa, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Darling. I'm so happy to see you."

"Okay everyone, ya'll better let my grandbaby and her friend get inside and settle down now." Mrs Howell said as she laughed and carried Halle's smaller bag inside.

Caren and Halle carried their luggages to the guest room and Sunshine accompanied them.

"Hey Sunshine, you're so beautiful." Caren said as she started petting her.

"That's my grandmother's bestfriend right there." Halle smiled as she started unpacking.

"She's so cute and looks way bigger than the pictures you showed me of her. How old is she now?" Caren asked.

"Yeah, She's grown a lot since then. She's 5 years old now."

"Oh wow! Someone's a big girl now." Caren rubbed Sunshine's stomach. "How did your grandma get her?"

"She found her on the street when she was no more than 8 weeks old. Someone must have dumped her there." Halle shook her head.

"How terrible to have done something like that to such a cute girl."

"I know right! Grandma has loved her deeply ever since." Halle smiled.

"Who wouldn't. She's so sweet." Caren continued petting her.

"I hope you girls are hungry because I fixed you something to eat." Mrs Howell said opening the door halfway.

"Oh Grandma, you're the best. We're coming right away." Halle screamed in excitement.

"I have a feeling we're going to be eating a lot while we're here." Caren chuckled.

"Oh, trust me when I say, we're gonna gain a few pounds before we leave. Hope you're ready for that?" Halle giggled.

"Girl, I came prepared. Let's go!" The girls laughed in unison as they left the room.

The girls spent the rest of the day listening to stories from Mr and Mrs Howell, watching movies and playing with Sunshine.


The next day, Halle's parents arrived from Arizona. Everyone was happy to see them especially Mr and Mrs Howell who hadn't seen their daughter in a long time.

"Mom, Dad, it's so wonderful to see you guys again." Mrs Patterson said as she hugged her parents. "Halle my darling, how I've missed you so much." She reached for her daughter and planted kisses on her.

"So glad to see you Mom." Halle replied and hugged her mom then her dad.

"And how's my son-in-law been so far?" Mr Howell asked as he hugged Mr Patterson.

"Doing absolutely well, Dad." He smiled.

"Hope my daughter haven't been giving you any headaches because her mother be doing the most over here."

"Dad!" Mrs Patterson exclaimed and everyone burst into laughter.

"Not at all Dad. She's the best woman a man could ever ask for." He smiled as he wrapped his hand around Mrs Patterson's waist and drew her closer.

"Aw, isn't that sweet?" Mrs Howell giggled.

"Mom, Dad, you guys remember Caren, my childhood friend right?" Halle asked as she placed a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Oh... Yes, I remember her now! It's been ages since we last saw you and your parents." Mr Patterson said.

"You know, I was looking at her and thought she looked very familiar. How are you doing Caren?"

"I'm doing great, Mrs Patterson. It has been a long time." She replied.

"How are your parents doing? Are they still in Arizona?" Mr Patterson asked.

"They're doing fine and yes, they still live there, just at a different place now." She replied to him.

"Aw, happy to hear they're fine. Please extend our greetings to them whenever you can."

"I sure will, Mrs Patterson. Thank you very much."

Everyone spent the next couple of hours talking, laughing and catching up on old times until it was dinner time. After everyone finished eating, Mr Patterson decided to go and unpack some of the stuffs he brought with him.

"You girls hold on while I go and get the new ring magnets I purchased on my way here." His face lit up with excitement as he walked to the bedroom.

"Dad, are you still collecting magnets?" Halle asked surprisingly.

"Like he ever stopped!" Her mom shook her head.

"Look at these Halle, aren't they beautiful?" He said as he returned and handed the different colours of magnets to her.

"Oh wow, they're very nice." She nodded while admiring them.

"You and Caren can both take one if you like." He smiled.

"Aw, thanks Dad. I guess I'll take the yellow one. Caren, how about you?"

"Uhm... That's okay." She smiled. "Not really sure what to do with it anyway."

"You can attach it on your refrigerator or something. Just pick one." Halle insisted.

"Okay... I'll take the red one then." She said as she reached for it.

"Great." Halle replied and handed the rest to her dad. "I feel sleepy already." She stood up from the couch and yawned.

"Me too. Can barely keep my eyes open." Caren concurred.

"You girls have had a long day. Maybe you should call it a night."

"Thanks Grandma! See you guys tomorrow."

"Good night everyone." Caren said as she followed Halle to the guest room.


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