38: Back To Jail

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"Oh God! I can't believe this is happening again, Olivia!" Caren shook her head obviously perturbed.

"My Dear please try to calm down, we haven't done anything wrong." Olivia put her arm on Caren's shoulder. "I promise you we'll be out of here before you know it."

"I don't want to be here again Olivia, please get me out, I hate it here!" She sobbed.

"Have you been in jail before?" Olivia asked.

"Yes! Last year, I spent my Christmas vacation at Halle's grandmother's house in Nevada. One day we got invited to a baby shower and while we were there, I left the cocktail I ordered next to the mocktail meant for Halle's underage cousin. The boy ended up taking my drink instead of his and the bartender upon noticing that, called the cops and had me arrested. Everyone thought I ordered the cocktail for him."

"That's terrible!"

"What's worse is I had to spend a night in jail because I was arrested on a Saturday. Fortunately, the issue got resolved the following Monday and I was asked to pay a fine."

"Aw Dear! Really sorry to hear you went through all of that. Don't worry everything will be fine."

"Ladies! You each have a phone call to make. Let's go!" A police officer said as he unlocked the cell.

"Do you have a lawyer?" Olivia asked.

"No I don't."

"There's no problem. I have one so I'll call him first and explain everything then we'll call my cousin. Hopefully he'll be able to return as soon as he can." Olivia said.

"I hope so too!" Caren replied.

Olivia spoke to her lawyer and he advised her to turn down any request for questioning until he got there. Next, she dialed her cousin's phone number.


"Hey Jake, it's Olivia!"

"Olivia? Why didn't you call me from your phone?"

"Well I'm not with it... Caren and I are in Jail."

"Jail? What do you mean? Why are you in jail?"

"Apparently, some burglars broke into your home before we arrived. The neighbours probably saw them and called the cops. Now they think we're the thieves."

"What? Burglars at my house? How on earth did they get in?"

"They got in through the window of the room that has a basement. We thought you left it open."

"Oh no, no, no! Dear Lord! I can't believe I'm hearing this right now. I actually left the window open! I needed some fresh air while I was clearing some of my things from the basement yesterday. I tried to close it when I was done but all of a sudden it became really stiff. I was in such a rush this morning, I completely forgot about it. Oh God, what have I done! Are you guys okay?"

"Yes we're okay but we need to get the hell out of here."

"I know and I'm so sorry! I'm getting on the next flight. I'll be there as soon as I can. Hang in there!"

"Oh thanks Jake, you're the best! See you soon." Olivia hung up.

"What did he say?" Caren asked inquisitively.

"He said he'll get on the next flight and come get us out."

"Oh, thank God!" Caren rejoiced.

"I told you all will be well!" Olivia smiled.


3 hours later Jake arrived at the police station.

"Please I would like to see my cousin Olivia Bell and her friend, Caren. They were arrested for trespassing earlier today.

"One second!" The officer behind the front desk replied as she turned to the conputer in order to search for the necessary information. "Please, follow me!" She said and lead the way to the detective's office. She knocked on the door and entered in after she was told to. "Sir, this man says he's here to see the ladies that were brought in this morning, Olivia and Caren."

"Oh good! Thank you Sally. Please have a seat!" He said to Jake.

"So tell me? Are you their lawyer?" The detective asked.

"No I'm not! My name is Jake and I'm the owner of the house that was broken into."

"Oh good. We got a call from one of your neighbours saying she saw 2 people breaking and entering into your house through a window, with the help of a ladder. When my officers arrived at the scene, we found 2 ladies whom we brought in as suspects. One of them said you gave her the keys to the house but of course, we weren't just going to settle for that. We found 2 fingerprints on the window that was forced open, one of which belonged to the lady named Caren."

"Look Sir, this is all a big misunderstanding. First off, Olivia is my cousin and I gave her the keys to my house this morning because she was supposed to take something from my basement. There's a high chance one of the fingerprints is mine because I was the one who opened the window yesterday. I tried to close it after I was done getting some fresh air but for some reason, it became really stiff and I couldn't get it to come down. Caren's fingerprint is probably on it because she tried to close it thinking I forgot to do it. Before anything, I do have to commend the entire police department for exhibiting such great diligence and commitment towards your duties in protecting the people of this country. I truly appreciate it. With that said, I'm afraid you've got the wrong pair. The people who tried to rob my house were men!"

"Really? And how do you know that?" The detective raised an eyebrow.

"I looked at my security camera footage. Here, I'll show you." Jake handed his phone over to him.

In the footage, 2 men were seen climbing up the fence and jumping into Jake's yard. They walked around the house until they spotted the window that was open. One of them noticed a ladder close to the fence and went to get it. They put it against the wall, climbed up and went in through the window. A few minutes later, they came out the same way and laid the ladder flat on the grass. It wasn't long that the video showed Olivia and Caren pulling up in front of the house and letting themselves in with the keys Jake gave them.

"Oh no! We've got the wrong people. I'll have them released at once." The detective picked up the phone and pressed a number. "Sargeant, Please release Miss Olivia and Miss Caren from the cell immediately!"

"Thank you, Detective!" Jake said.

"Listen, while we were interrogating the ladies, they mentioned that they never went into the basement. However when my men were searching for clues, they discovered that all the boxes in the basement were pretty much turned upside down. Was that the way it was before you left?"

"Not at all Sir! My things were neatly arranged in the boxes," Jake replied.

"From what I see in the footage, the burglars didn't take a whole lot which seems a little bit strange. Do you think they might have been after something in particular?"

"I'm really not sure. Whatever they were looking for, it seems they didn't find it since they left empty-handed." Jake shrugged.

"In cases like this, I always say there's more to it than meets the eye. Anyway, there's a couple of things I would like you to do for us."

"Go ahead, Detective."

"First off, I'd like you to hand in the video you just showed me to our team of experts. Secondly, I'd like you to take a good look at the things in your basement and figure out exactly what those hooligans stole from you."

"I'll try my best, Detective."

"Thank you for cooperating with us." He stood up and shook Jake's hand.


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