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Jimin sat back against the couch and closed his eyes. He mentally prepared himself for the worst case, even if for him it would be a happy, good thing, he knew it would not be perceived as such by Laura. And he knew that if the test would turn out positive, he had some explaining and convincing to do. So, when he heard Laura's loud "No! NO! That is not possible!", he was screaming "Yes! Yes! Yes!" inside of him.
The next sounds though made him run towards the bathroom. There was glass shattering and a loud bang against the wall.
"Laura? Are you okay?" He shouted through the door as he tried to open it.
At first, there was no answer.
"Laura? Please answer me?" Then he heard her loud sobs close to the door as he guessed she must be sitting against it.
"Baby, it's okay. Just please come out so I can see that you are not hurt." Still worried that she might hurt herself, he tried to convince her to open the door.
"Nothing is okay, Jimin! The test is positive."
"I know it might be a shock for you but the baby is a product of our love."
Jimin lost his balance when the door flung open and a furious Laura stood before him.
"Park Jimin! Why is this just a shock to me? Why are you not surprised or angry? Hell, why do you even look happy?"

Jimin gulped visibly as he tried to avoid her stare and that was enough for her to know that something was off. Even if she knew that the contraceptives, she took are not 100% reliable, she always paid close attention to take them, she even tried to do it at the exact time every day. It was something that she knew she needed to do since her time in Paradise where more than one girl turned up pregnant after a night with clients.
"You have one chance! If you lie to me or hide something, I am off even if it means that I need to go back to that awful place." At that moment, Laura felt so hurt that she would do anything to bring out the truth.
"Can I at least see if you are okay before we go and talk in the living room?" He asked her shyly and Laura had to admit that she wanted him at ease so he would not try to hide more from her.
"Okay, but I can assure you that I am okay. We just need to buy a new mirror and someone needs to come fix the wall."
"The wall?"
She chuckled as he hurried inside the bathroom.
"How did you?" He asked as he came back outside.

 "You can be lucky that I've never kicked you in your balls! Well, at least we would not have the problem we are having now

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"You can be lucky that I've never kicked you in your balls! Well, at least we would not have the problem we are having now." Laura looked down to her belly, still in awe that she was pregnant.

After Jimin made sure again that she was okay and brought her a glass of water and some snacks, he finally sat down next to her on the couch. Inside of her, she was still furious and for her, it was clear that she needed to make an appointment for an abortion as soon as possible.
"Come on Jimin, hurry up, or maybe just give me my phone so I can call the clinic right away?"
"Why do you want the call the clinic?" He asked as he walked back to the kitchen counter to get her phone.
"I need an appointment."
"To have a professional confirmation on the pregnancy?" He had the biggest smile on his face and it was hard but she needed to break his heart.
"No, to have an abortion." She stated matter-of-factly which made Jimin stop in his tracks, turn on his heels, and put her phone in a small drawer that he locked up.
"What are you doing?" She exclaimed furiously as she began to stand up but Jimin was faster and pushed her back down.
"There is no way, you will end the pregnancy." Jimin declared in such a firm voice that Laura just froze in place.
"But..." She tried to argue but he cupped her face to make her look at him.
"Before you make any further decision, I need you to listen to my confession."
Laura nodded as he leaned towards her to place a comforting kiss on her forehead.

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