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"Please say yes!" Jackson was on his knees in from of her.
"I am really not sure if this is such a good idea!" Laura frowned as she replied to the man.
"Come on. You cannot stay in here forever." He continued making puppy eyes.
"Laura, it has been two months that you have not set a foot outside." Mark, who was sitting next to her on the couch, intervened.
Laura closed her eyes trying to forget everything that happened before these two amazing men had found her and made it their everyday duty to look after her. She would be thankful to them for her whole life.
"What is this exactly you want me to accompany you to?" She finally asked Jackson who was still in front of her.
"The MMA's?"
"Are you kidding me? That's one of the biggest shows of the year." Laura was starting to freak out.
"So?" Mark told her grabbing her hand to calm her down. "We will be by your side the whole time."
"We will have a fun time. I promise you." Jackson was almost begging.
Yet, Laura was still not sure so she hoped that maybe the other members of the group would not be so happy with her coming along.
"Have you talked with the others about me coming?"
"Yes, JB gave his blessing immediately, Youngjae and Jinyoung said they didn't mind as for the two youngest, you know them. They were already planning a party because you would join." Okay, that did not go as expected. Mark seemed to sense that she was still hesitant.
"I could tell everyone that you are my girlfriend." He said nonchalantly which granted him a smack from Laura on the arm.
"Who gave you such stupid ideas? First, I am not sure your boyfriend would appreciate that you tell the world you have a girlfriend, and second, do you ever think about your reputation?" He gave her a soft smile and when her eyes drifted to Jackson who was now seated casually on the floor.
"And you mister! Don't even think about it. You all did not work so hard to be where you are right now to let it be destroyed by some girl with a bad past." Jackson would not stop flashing her his puppy eyes. "So, are you coming?" He asked again with a soft begging voice.

Laura took one last look at both men. "Okay."
"Okay?" Jackson screamed.
"Yes, I will go with you." The next moment she was pulled up by the two Got7 members. Their arms crushed around her.
"Need to breathe to actually go with you," She informed them when she strived to free herself from their embrace.
"When is the show?" Jackson's smirk could not mean anything good.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes, we wanted to ask you at the last minute so you could not overthink it and back out afterwards," Mark informed her, his eyes looking to the floor his hands rubbing his neck as he was a bit embarrassed.
Laura could not believe that she would only have three hours to get prepare herself physically and mentally before they would have to leave for the venue.

 Laura could not believe that she would only have three hours to get prepare herself physically and mentally before they would have to leave for the venue

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As soon as they entered the backstage area, Laura could feel the stares. She was glad that the boys had taken it upon themselves to protect her by putting her in the middle of all the members. Her nervousness must have shown because she could feel Jackson's hand closing around hers as they walked the short distance to the Got7 dressing room.
When the door behind them closed, Jackson brought her behind a curtain then he took her face in his hands.
"Laura? Breathe?" Then his arms were around her as a single tear rolled down her cheek.
"I am sorry." He apologized to her, calmly stroking her hair. "Nonetheless, I have to confess that I am super happy that you are here with us." He let go of her to show her his big happy smile.
"If you are happy then I am too. Now let's go and join the others." Laura confessed with an equally bright smile.
They both went back to the main room where the rest of the group was waiting for them. Laura spotted Mark sitting on the couch talking to Jinyoung. She did want to interrupt them however it was the latter that called her over. Sitting next to Mark, the other singer asked her if she was feeling better.
"I do now. Thank you for your concern." Even if Mark and Jackson were the people that held her complete trust, the other Got7 members were also very caring towards her.
They talked for a moment when suddenly BamBam and Yugyeom appeared, starting to feed her with snacks. The atmosphere was relaxing and they laughed a lot. When Mark returned from a talk with his manager, he took her hand.
"I need to go to the fitting room to have a look at my outfits. Do you want to come with me or stay here?" Laura glanced around, searching for Jackson.
"Can I come? I don't see Jackson and I don't want to stay back without one of you here."
"Of course you can come. As for Jackson, I saw him go and see one of his good friends who is a member in another group." Laura nodded but somehow wondered who this friend was.
Mark took her hand and pulled her behind him. During their walk through the long hallway, she tried to hide the best way possible behind his back. Nonetheless, she felt the stares of the people on her the same way she did earlier when they arrived. Now, she could even hear one or two comments like 'is that not the girl who?' or 'what is poor Mark doing with her?'. If they only knew how much each of their words would hurt her inside.
She was glad when they finally reached their destination. Once they were inside the room, she let immediately go of his hand. Mark was directly taken to the side by a stylist who took him a few steps away towards a rack full of clothes. Laura looked around and saw a man standing on a small pedestal in front of a big mirror. When she lifted her gaze, their eyes met. She instantly knew who he was. How could she not? The names of all the male idols had been one of the first things that had been drilled in her head when she arrived in Korea.
The next moment, the man she knew to be Jimin from BTS, smiled at her. 'Oh no. He knows who I am.' Panic started to rise inside of her. It was hard for her to hide her happiness when she saw Mark coming back to her and lead her out of the room.
On their way back to the dressing room, they crossed paths with Jackson who was talking to someone in the hallway. Mark stopped to greet the other person as well. Laura still hid behind him not lifting her gaze but she bowed to the man, still being respectful. Even if some would say that girls like her could never be that.
Her hands started to sweat and she pressed herself closer to Mark's back. She was glad that he got the message and excused themselves to reunite with the rest of Got7. Once, she was back inside the room her heartbeat slowed down and she herself relax again. Jinyoung handed her a glass of water as soon as he saw her miserable appearance.
Together with the whole group, Laura decided that she would stay back in the dressing room to watch the whole show on a screen. Initially, they wanted her to come with them and watch the show next to them. However, now with how she looked after only being outside for a few moments, they agreed that it would not be a good idea. Laura was thankful for their consideration.
She installed herself on the couch, a big screen in front of her. The maknae had provided her with as many snacks as he could find and before they got out Mark assured her that he and Jackson would come by from time to time to look how she was doing. She told them not to worry about her and that they should enjoy their evening. After she promised them both to stay put, the group was escorted by the staff to their seats.

Laura could see their smiling faces on the screen as they waved to their fans. Then suddenly the camera panned on BTS, the biggest boy group right now. When the image stopped on a grinning Jimin, she was reminded of their early encounter.
The next hour, BTS was often shown to the audience that was in front of their television at home. Laura could not understand why but with time she wished for one more glimpse at Jimin.
As she ate more snacks to pass time, she became extremely thirsty. Unfortunately, the boys and herself had emptied all the water bottles that had been provided to them before they had left earlier.
She peeked outside to the hallway to see if there were a lot of people so she could go to the lounge and grab some more bottles of water. Just when she wanted to exit, she heard voices and hurried back inside. She left the door agape to see who it was. To her surprise, it was BTS who strolled through the hallway to reach the entrance to the stage. Her eyes followed Jimin who she had spotted first. He seemed agitated and looked intensively at every person that crossed his way.

As soon as she thought it was clear she rushed to the lounge to get these drinks. Back inside the dressing room, she was delighted that no one had bothered her on her little excursion. She plopped back onto the couch to see that Got7 had just received an award. The guys' happiness radiated through the screen. Then BTS came on stage to present the following award. Laura's eyes were glued on Jimin. But when the camera caught a close shot of him, she was stunned to see sadness in those beautiful eyes. Over the last year, she had learned to be quick to read someone's emotion in their eyes therefore she was sure about her perception.
During the next two hours, Mark and Jackson came to check on her regularly, and even if she told them that they didn't have to insist on it.
Then BTS received the award for Song of the Year. The group thanked their fans, family, company, and so on but when they were on their way back to their seats, Jimin abruptly stopped walking. He stared at someone in the crowd of screaming fans. Laura's heart ceased to beat when she watched him almost going down towards that woman. In the last moment, he seemed to come back to his senses and returned to his band members.
'What was he doing? This could have ended badly?' Laura thought, her breath coming in short. Then she shook her head wondering why she would even care.

The end of the show was near. At his last visit, Mark had informed her that they both would leave immediately after their last performance which was just before BTS would have the final stage. She told him that he should stay and celebrate with his friends but he told her that he wanted to bring her home before the after-show chaos would break out. Mark explained that he did not want to put her through any more mishaps as he had seen her miserable state every time people apart from his group were around her. She thanked him for being so considered and promised to be ready when he comes to pick her up.

 As soon as the Got7 performance finished, she took all her belongings as well as Mark's jacket and waited for him

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As soon as the Got7 performance finished, she took all her belongings as well as Mark's jacket and waited for him. She peeked outside and seeing that there were not many people in the hallway she decided to wait for him in front of the door. As she stood there, she took a look around, and, at that moment, she saw him.
Jimin was standing with his band members near the stage entrance. She could not tear her eyes off of him. Laura could not deny how handsome he was. Then his face lifted and as their eyes met for the second time today, she offered him the smile she should have given him earlier today.

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