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Luckily the rest of the tour passed by without any further incident. Laura had decided that she would be by Jimin's side for the concerts yet she would remain at the hotel for any other interview or TV appearance, just to avoid coming face to face with another idol that knew about her life before Jimin claimed her as his.

The time flew by fast and before they even realized another four months had passed. Finally, they were back in their apartment, their little cocoon. Jimin could not get enough of her, spending every minute of his spare time with her. The cuddles in the evening and the morning were becoming his favorite thing ever.
Like this morning when they stayed in bed until noon, just enjoying being with each other.
"I am hungry," Laura grumbled against her boyfriend's chest.
"Do you want me to go and bring you some snacks or a sandwich?"
"How about we get up, order pizza, and then continue our lazy day in front of the TV in the living room?" Laura suggested before pecking his lips.
"That hungry?" Jimin smiled as she rolled her eyes.
"Is it my fault you are draining me of all energy with your mouth, fingers, and..." Laura looked at Jimin's boxer shorts with a raised eyebrow.
"And you like everything about it?"
"Oh, I am not complaining about our sex life Babe." Laura climbed out of the bed to head to the bathroom.
Jimin rolled over, growling as his mind is already coming alive with all the sweet images of his girlfriend moaning his name.
"Jimin?" Laura peeked out of the bathroom, "Have you seen my contraception pills?"
"Are they not on the counter?"
"Nope. Oh, wait I left them in my bag yesterday."
"I will get them for you!" Jimin offered as he finally got his ass out of the bed.
"Thank you, Babe. You are the best." Laura shot him a flying kiss that Jimin caught and placed it on his lips.

As Jimin grabbed the pills out of her bag, he is reminded of the contract with Claudia

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

As Jimin grabbed the pills out of her bag, he is reminded of the contract with Claudia. He still needs to clarify this whole extension to the agreement with Laura.
"Hey, My Love. Here it is." Jimin handed her the medication after she came to the living room.
"Thank you, Jimin."
"You know you do not need to take those right?"
"What do you mean?"
"I would not mind having a baby with you."
Laura started to laugh out loud when they both sat at the kitchen counter.
"You are not serious right now?" Laura questioned him as she held his stare.
"Why not?"
"Why not? There are so many why nots!"
"None that we could not resolve." Jimin reached for her hand, his eyes pleading.
"What are you talking about? Your company is barely aware that we are dating! I still think they assume you are just having a good time. And as an idol, you just don't become a dad like this. We have only been dating for eight months and I hate to pull it up but there is a time limit. As happy as I am right now and you know I don't like to bring this up but the contract will not disappear."
Jimin could see the sadness in his girlfriend's eyes and he wanted to tell her that he knew how they could stay together forever but she shut him up.
"Please Jimin, just let us enjoy our time for now." Then she got up and grabbed the menu cards from the counter to hand them to her boyfriend.
"I want a giant Salami Pizza and you?"
Jimin was well aware of her attempt to change the subject and seeing her reaction, he did not want to push it. Yet he needed to find a way to fulfill the clause.

Stay with me (Jimin ff - Bangtan + 7)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن