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Jimin ran out to his car and drove off. His mind was flooded with all the awful things Laura had just shared with him. How could she have survived all this? How could someone treat another person like that?
Rage boiled inside him as pictures were forming with Laura being mistreated before his inner eye.
He stopped the car at the side of the road to calm his nerves. Tears were filling his eyes as he recalled the image of Laura lying on his bed offering herself to him. He screamed and hit the steering wheel, his body letting the hurt out that he felt deep inside. His heart was breaking as every single detail that she had shared with him came back.

Meanwhile, Laura was crying loudly, crouching on the floor looking at the front door, hoping that Jimin will just come back and hold her in his arms as he had promised. But seconds turned into minutes with no sign of him. A million questions swirled in her head. Is he disgusted in me? Is he mad at me? But with time, only one came back to her over and over again. Is Jimin safe?
Laura crawled over the floor until she reached her phone. She tried Jimin's number but he did not pick up. Her favorite person will know how to reach him.
"Jackson? I need you." Laura was glad that he had picked up so quickly.
"What is going on? Where are you?" She could hear Jackson's panic in his voice.
"I'm at Jimin's place. You need to find him?"
"Who? Wait. I am next door, I will be there in a minute."

Only a minute later, Laura heard a knock on the secret passage door. She hurried to open it, hugging Jackson the moment he entered. As he placed her back down, Laura saw Namjoon behind him.
"I am so sorry Namjoon." She started to apologize, tears coming back to her eyes.
"Now calm down. What exactly happened?" Jackson held her at bay to look into her eyes.
"Jimin left and I cannot reach him on the phone."
"Maybe he is just getting some groceries," Namjoon told her innocently.
"No, no. He was angry and I fear he is doing something stupid. We need to find him." Laura was begging both.
Jackson led her over to the couch to sit. Namjoon was already on his phone, calling Jimin, Laura guessed.
"Why was he angry?" Jackson asked her while holding her hands.
"I told him."
"Told him?"
"About the last 18 months."
Jackson's expression changed from worried to truly concerned.
"Joon! You need to find him. Quick." Jackson urged his friend.
"I am on it but he does not pick up." Namjoon was pacing the room as Jackson's voice seemed to have made him alarmed.
Jackson and Laura watched the BTS leader talk to someone but soon they realized it was not Jimin.
"I called Taehyung. If Jimin answers anyone it will be Tae." Namjoon took a seat next to Jackson, resting his chin on the other man's shoulder as the three talked about where he could be.

After his outburst on the side of the street, Jimin decided that he needed to put an end to Laura's horrible last months. He will never let her go back to that place called Paradise. Claudia will never get to have another hold on the woman he came to love so much.
When he had almost reached his destination, his phone went off. Before entering the car, he had turned it on silent mode, knowing that Laura would try to convince him to come back. Jimin picked up, knowing that it was Taehyung. His number was the only one that could get through even on silent mode.
"Tae!" Jimin's tone was stern.
"Jimin-ah? Where are you?"
"Out!" The older answered briefly.
"To do what?"
"None of your business!"
"Jimin, please don't do anything that you will regret later."
Jimin knew that his best friend would trust him no matter what.
"Will not. Quite the opposite. Tae?"
"Yes, Jimin."
"Tell Laura to not worry. I will be home soon." Jimin knew that she had to be asking his friends to find him.
"Stay safe Jiminie."
They hung up as Jimin attained the driveway leading up to the mansion he had only visited once before. The security at the entrance cleared his name with the reception over the phone.
"You can go up, Mr. Park." The man informed him before opening the gate.
After he parked his car, he saw Michelle waiting for him at the top of the stairs leading to the entrance.
"Mr. Park! What a pleasure to see you again? Are you here for a complaint?"
Jimin clenched his fists hard against his sides, anger filling up every cell of his body.
"I am sorry to disappoint you Michelle but I am more than satisfied with Laura."
Michelle shot him the fakest smile he had ever seen.
"Is Claudia here? I would love to have a little talk with her."
Michelle walked behind the desk at the reception to grab the phone.
"Miss Claudia, Mr. Park is here. He would like to see you? Okay, I will let him know." Michelle hung up to come his way.
"Miss Claudia is in another meeting right now. But if you are willing to wait she can see you in fifteen minutes."
"Of course I will wait," Jimin stated in determination.

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