"Harry, quickly get under that cloak!"

I shook my head and pulled out my wand, "No need."

With a quick flick of my wrist, everyone was now wearing more suited articles of clothing.

They all grinned before I rolled my eyes, "I'm thirsty. Know any good coffee shops?"

"Right, umm..." she hastily walked down the street soon opening a door, "Look, this will do, in here!"

I followed the group in as I took my seat beside Ron, across from Granger and Harry.

After a minute or two, Ron shook his head anxiously, "You know, we're not far from the Leaky Cauldron here, it's only in-"

Both Granger and I agreed, "Ron, we can't"

I thought for a moment but then had an idea, "I know a place we can go."

"Great, where is it?"

"Hold on, Harry. I want a drink," I waved over the waitress who nodded and started our way.

Two men then entered the cafe and sat in the next booth. Granger soon spoke in a whisper, "I say we find a quiet place to Disapparate and head for the countryside. Once we're there, we could send a message to the Order."

"Granger. I just said I have a place to take us."

"What can I get you?" We all turned our heads to the waitress who stood at the edge of our table.

"A cappuccino, please."

Harry and I nodded as did a very confused Ron.

"We'll take four altogether."

She nodded and walked back to the counter to get our drinks as I turned back to the group.

"I have a place we can go. You see, when I was younger, well, my uncle was technically on the run. This was just before his 'great duel' with Dumbledore. We used to go from town to town and city to city in the no-mag world. Including America."

Harry tilted his head, "How'd you get here?"

"Soon enough, we ended up here. So we found our way to London actually. We have a friend who can provide housing for us, food, and anything we would need. We can stay as long as we need, but I'm assuming you want to be on the move soon?"

Harry nodded again as the waitress dropped off our drinks.

"But our stuff-"

Both Granger and I held up our bags and shook our heads.

"Harry, Scarlett has your stuff, and Ron I have yours. We've been packed for days. Just in case."

After finishing our drinks, even though Ron couldn't take another sip of his so-called 'revolting muck', the two men from before walked to the counter.

I looked at them and they seemed familiar, that's when it hit me, "Guys."

"What is it, Scarlett?"

I lowered my voice and whispered slightly, "Those men are Death Eaters, I saw them when I was captured. We need to leave."

They nodded and slowly slipped from our chairs, but then they fired.

Shattering windows, and tables, Harry and I had begun to deflect the spells and curses as Ron and Granger threw them back.


In a blink of an eye, both Death Eaters were taken out and unconscious. We cleaned up and walked to the men, "I should've recognized him, he was there the night Dumbledore died."

Ron then walked to the other man, "This one's Antonin Dolohov, I've seen him on old wanted posters. I believe that one is called Thorfinn Rowle.

"Never mind what they're called!" Granger cried a little hysterically, "How did they find us? What are we going to do?"

Harry straightened up and started giving orders, "Lock the door," he told us as he himself cast a paralyzing spell on the two men, "and Ron, turn out the lights."

"What are we going to do with them?" Ron whispered, "Kill them? They'd kill us. They had a good go just now."

Hermione shivered and took a step back. Harry shook his head disagreeing.

"We just need to wipe their memories, it's better like that, it'll throw them off the scent. If we killed them it'd be obvious we were here."

"You're the boss," said Ron, sounding relieved as I made a coughing sound from behind him, startling him, "Oh, Scarlett, I mean either way. But I've never done a Memory Charm."

"I haven't either..." Granger spoke although she seemed unsure of her own clarity, "But I know the theory."

I shook my head and pushed through, "We don't need theory, we need experience, move." I kneeled down in between both men and held my hands before their heads, "Obliviate."

I brushed my hands against one another as I turned to the others, "There, all done. Now, why don't we clean this place up."

They nodded as I pulled out my wand again and waved it, soon repairing the shop to its former states.

"But how did they find us?" Granger rambled on as we left the shop, "How did they know where we were?"

Then she turned to Harry.

"Y- you don't think you've still got your Trace on you, do you, Harry?"

"He can't have," Ron stepped before her and shook his head, "The Trace breaks at seventeen, that's Wizarding law."

All of a sudden, Granger stopped in her tracks as her face fell over realization, "We didn't celebrate your birthday, Harry. Ginny and I, we prepared a cake. We were going to bring it out after the wedding."

"Honestly Hermione, I appreciate the thought but given the fact that we were almost killed-"

"I wouldn't have let them kill you, Harry."

"That's beside the point, Scarlett. I just mean that the fact that Death Eaters almost killed us," I shook my head in disapproval of his words but he continued anyway, "Just a few moments ago... I'm quite alright."


"We need to get off the streets, get somewhere safe."

I stopped and turned around, stopping all of them behind me, "Oh my word, Ronald."

Being synced, Granger grabbed onto Ron's arm as I grabbed her other arm and Harry's.

Then the four of us were standing before an older generation home.

She's A Fake ~ IV | d.m.Where stories live. Discover now