16. Twice In One Day

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I was walking through the halls with Draco that night as we had just gotten back from what Draco believes to be an unsuccessful trip to the cabinet.

Walking past Gryffindor tower we heard some giggling before we saw a girl run past, soon followed by a confused Ron Weasley.

We continued to walk from the direction they came in only to see Granger crying on Harry's shoulder.

I made my way towards them despite Draco's very quiet remarks

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I made my way towards them despite Draco's very quiet remarks.

"Granger, are you all right?" She looked up surprised when she saw me, quickly trying to hide her tears before just sighing and meeting my eyes.

"No... I don't know. How does it feel when you see Ginny with someone else?" She turned to Harry, who looked surprised when she said it but she only gave a light chuckle, "I know... I'm your best friend. I see the way you look at her."

Draco stepped forward and smirked, "So, I was right when I called the weasel girl your new girlfriend."

"Draco, not the time," he shrugged fake pouting as I shook my head at him trying to stifle a laugh.

Harry sighed but she continued to speak looking at me, "We may not be close, but I also see the way you look at Draco, even when you know you can't have him, and the way he looks at you. How does it feel, when you can't have the one you love?"

I looked at Draco who met my eyes, I thought for a moment before both Harry, myself, and Draco responded, "It feels like this."

Draco had stepped forward standing behind me as he placed a hand on my shoulder, reaching for my hand as he began to interlock our fingers.

I gave a light chuckle myself knowing what she said was true. But I still fought back tears, "Granger, I- uhh... hope you feel better, but if you'll excuse me, I- I have to go."

I turned meeting Draco's eye before I let go of his hand and ran out hearing Draco follow but I apparated quickly so he couldn't.


Taking a seat at the very edge, I looked over the school grounds. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried silently.

Over my parents, Lei and Nagini, along with Pansy and Cedric even. But what hurt most was my uncle. He was always there for me and now he was basically dead. Or at least sentenced to it.

I looked over at the Black Lake and how the light from the moon shimmered over the surface. I shivered as the cool windy breeze swept over me like a cold blanket.

But seconds later, I was pulled into someone's chest as I was being carried.

"Draco. Put. Me. Down." He shook his head refusing to say anything as he continued to carry me through the halls. However, we weren't headed to the common rooms, much less the library.

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