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"Run away with me."

Her eyes widen with the words that leave my lips. I have to admit that not even I expected such a thing from myself, and I certainly didn't think it through. But it seems like the most plausible and effective solution if we don't want to be separated.

I know for a fact that she doesn't want us to part ways any more than I do, to never intersect again like a split end in a hair that can't be brought back to a whole follicle. But I do want our current separate paths to merge, like veins that have a common point and always return to it. The heart.

"What?" she almost stutters, eyes still wide like two plates.

I take her hand in mine and squeeze it gently. "Let's get out of here. Just you and me. Get away from everyone."

"Jungkook, you're being reckless right now. We can't just run away." she whispers-shouts as if someone could hear us and punish us just for even bringing up such a thing.

I grow desperate. "Why not? No one will know where we are."

She chuckles bitterly, and if I didn't know it was a fake laugh, I might have been offended. "Do you really think it's that easy? That we'll go into hiding and my father won't be able to find us?"

Well, I don't know. At least that's what I hope, but I can't show her my doubts right now. I need to sound determined so that she knows I'm serious and that I really would do my best to make sure she's safe. I want her to live a normal life together with me because I know that the one she is living now is not the one she wants to live.

Who would want to sit on a thin needle day in and day out, not knowing if the scythe of death can hit you that day, even though you woke up in the morning like any other day? I can see in her eyes that her heart is not yet petrified by the callous people around her and that she is silently crying out to be saved.

And I have decided that I want to be the one do it. There is no turning back now.

"I can't, Jungkook," she whispers after I stare at her for a few seconds.

"All I hear from you is that you can't, Irina." I sigh, pulling my hand back from hers.

"Because I can't. Remember the last time I said I can't?" She states. "Look where that got us. And all because I thought okay, maybe I can."

I rub my face aggressively because everything makes me despair. I can't blame her because she's right. She's reasonable, as she always is, but I just want to be reckless. You can't know where a decision will take you if you never try, can you?

"But it was different last time. I didn't know who you are." I try to rebut.

"That's exactly the reason. You know now, and it's even more dangerous for you if someone finds out you know things you shouldn't," she says softly, and this time she's the one who takes my hand in hers. "We're not in a movie where the main characters don't die and live happily ever after. This is reality."

"Reality sucks." I chuckle, but actually I could throw anything in my room around to let out my anger.

I've never been one to just leave things like that, and it shows now because it seems like my legs always find their way back to Irina. Because that's where I belong.

Maybe I can somehow still persuade her if I actually give her a reason to believe me. When I ran away from her the day it all came to light, I can only imagine how she must have felt. Who would trust someone who had dumped them before?

Nobody Knows | Jeon JungkookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang