Prologue 2) I'll Be Like a Ghost Behind You

Start from the beginning

"I don't know who you are" Scott's voice boomed, those in his pack would be terrified if his anger was aimed at them. "or what you thought you were going to do, but I'll give you a choice. You can stay, and I'll break something else..." Scott stopped for effect. "Or you can run."

Belasko looked around to Stiles, for some reason wanting him to imput.

Stiles simply told him. "I'd run."

Belasko, like a wounded puppy whimpered off to tend to his injuries.

Scott's eyes looked around his pack meeting all their faces, glow of the red died down. He felt his injuries begin to heal themselves. Kira's sword became her belt again, while Liam and Malia's eyes turned back to human.

Stiles pushed himself to Scott, patting his back. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I will be." Scott nodded, patting him too.

Malia's attention went to the girl behind them, her soft features ignited something in her that she hadn't felt since before summer. Malia's face lit up when she saw her smile. Malia shoved past the group into the presence of her.

Emily 'Lemony' Stilinski, stood in front of Malia and the others. She turned her attention to her ring and twisted the coin on top. Her blade, which turned out to be her scythe. The black bubbles covered the scythe in their hand and began to pop, causing her weapon to disappear.

Malia pulled Lemony into a bone crushing hug, which Lemony enthusiastically reciprocated. Malia pulled back just enough to give Lemony a loving kiss on the lips.

Stiles made his way over to his sister and patted her on the shoulder. "We thought you were going to get here earlier."

Lemony sighed, stepping back to see everyone else. "I almost didn't make it. Almost lost my finger in a game of Capture the Flag." She raised her right hand to show a bandage over two of her fingers. "Then I had to go the infirmary, they then asked me to go to the bonfire. I got here twenty minutes ago."

"Wait. How?" Stiles asked. "There are no camps near here except the one Malia went to."

Lemony smiled, raised her hand and tapped her nose. "Lets just say I learnt some new tricks over this summer."

While the pack reminisced on their respective summers, the mystery werewolf stood waiting to introduce himself to the pack, Scott looked over the dark haired boy and could feel something familiar. Thinking about all his prior school years. Then it hit:

"Theo?" Scott's eyes widened.

"You know him?" Malia asked her fingers interlocked with Lemony's.

"They used to." Theo gestured to Scott and Stiles. 'Trust me, I never thought I'd see you guys again. A couple of months ago, I heard of an Alpha in Beacon Hills." Theo stepped forward. "When I found out his name was Scott McCall, I just couldn't believe it. Not just an Alpha, but a True Alpha."

"What do you want?" Scott simply asked.

"I came back to Beacon Hills-- back home with my family" Theo explained. "because I want to be a part of your pack."


The swinging of the double doors opening to reveal Scott and Stiles first, followed by Kira, Lemony and Malia. Stiles didn't seem too keen of Theo or trust his intentions. Lemony tried to rack her brain but for the life of her couldn't remember Theo.

"We haven't seen this kid in years" Stiles stormed off leading the imaginary charge. "you don't find that highly suspicious?" He asked.

"I'm kind of more concerned about the guy who just tried to kill me." Scott shrugged.

Lemony sighed from behind. "At least you two remember him. I don't have a clue."

The sound of a phone vibrating, caused everyone to stop. Malia looked down at her phone. Everyone went tense and Lemony held her breath in anticipation.

The look of relief on Malia's face made Lemony smile. "I'm in! I passed." Malia said. "I'm officially a senior."

Lemony wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and hugged her tight. "I knew you could do it."

Malia exchanged hugs with Stiles and Kira.

"Thank God!" The voice of Lydia Martin pulled the group out of their celebration for Malia.

"Where have you guys been?" Lydia stopping in front of them. "The whole senior class is here! Are we doing this or not?"

The six of them all exchanged relieved smiles at one another, Lemony grabbed Malia tight, and they were off. Kira wrapped her arm Lydia and Scott. Stiles pushed himself between his sister and her girlfriend.

The Beacon Hills School Library was the setting of their "Senior Scribe" tonight. There was one long line of seniors trailing from the entrance, up the stairs and round to the book shelves. Where the group waited for their turn to write their initials on the shelf.

Stiles went first taking the marker from the girl in front of him. MS

He handed the marker to Lydia who took the marker an wrote hers. LM

The marker then went to Kira, who took it cautiously.

"This isn't vandalism, is it?" Kira looked to Lydia.

Lydia hesitated with her answer. "Not technically."

Kira sighed but signed the shelf anyway. KY

She looked over and it was Malia's turn, who was unsure of her name. Malia took the marker and hesitated. After a moments thought, she knew. MT

Standing up, Malia handed the marker to Lemony, kissing her cheek. Lemony never thought she'd make it here, especially after last year. ES

Finally the marker landed on Scott's palm. He took a step forwards and leant down to the shelf. SM

Before Scott leant back and handed the marker over he was writing again. She would have been there with them, would have wanted to, wouldn't have missed it for the world. AA

The group all watched, seeing what Scott had put. All exchanging sad looks. Scott stepped away from the shelf, handing the marker over. He stepped over to Kira and wrapped his arm around her. Malia had her arms around Lemony, not letting go. Stiles placed a hand on Lydia's shoulder.

"She would have been with us." Stiles broke the silence.

"Yeah." Was all Scott could manage to choke out.

"She still is." Lydia looked up to Scott.

Lemony however looked to her left and smiled.

Allison stood watching them, wiping away the occasional tear that ran down her face. She still wore what she died and and Lemony wished she could change it. Allison mouthed: "Thank you" to no one and everyone.

"Always." Lemony simply stated, smiling softly. "You're welome Alli."


A/N: I warned you. Little bit of Allison love there.

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