Lin Hua gave a bitter smile, "I didn't pay attention while walking down the mountain. I slipped and fell."

Xu Ran gave an unfriendly smile "Brother! It is preferable that you do not visit the mountain. I intended to take you to town tomorrow, but I didn't anticipate you going this route. Just stay at home tomorrow and recover! I'm only going to take Zhao Chen into town."

After that, Xu Ran started laughing again.

Lin Hua stretched out his injured ankle in front of Xu Ran, "Didn't you see that I'm injured? Are we still friends! I'm injured yet you are laughing so happily!"

Xu Ran pointed at Lin Hua's ankle, "Come on.Since you walked home alone, how serious could it be? Furthermore, you fell because you were not paying attention while walking. I'm sorry, but I can't sympathize with you. But don't be worried. I'm a kind person, so I'll offer you some white wine to rub your ankle with at night. Maybe you'll feel better tomorrow."

Despite the fact that his earlier remarks had angered Lin Hua, he chose to be magnanimous and ignore him for the sake of Xu Ran's last statement.

They'd been standing outside the door for a while. Lin Hua limped into the house as Liu Tong came out to summon them for supper. Zhao Chen started to help him, but Lin Hua declined "Xu Ran is totally right. It's not a big deal. However, if you help me, I will believe that I am badly hurt. That's not good. I'm still hoping to feel better tomorrow morning."

Zhao Chen was speechless as he stared at him. He removed his hands when he saw Lin Hua didn't truly need his help. Lin Hua was hailed warmly by everyone at the table as he hobbled in.

Although he felt embarrassed, Lin Hua still told the truth. After all, there were elders there.

Tonight, there were two additional people. They got together after supper. Xu Ran reasoned that they needed to do something to pass the time throughout the night. However, because there were so many individuals and such a wide age gap, the only thing he could think of was telling stories.

This time, however, Xu Ran would present suspense stories rather than stories from China's Four Great Classic Novels.

One of Xu Ran's favorite suspense dramas was "Young Judge Bao Qingtian." After all, Xu Ran could count on one hand how many good Chinese suspense dramas there were.

Xu Ran recalled his obsession with "Young Judge Bao Qingtian" back when he was little. During the day, he had sat in front of the TV and watched it alone. Then, late at night, he couldn't stop thinking about the sights he'd seen on television. He couldn't sleep because he was terrified. This, however, had not deterred him. He would have kept watching the next day. He even admired his own courage then.

Before telling the story, Xu Ran stated bluntly, "Don't listen to me if you believe you'll be afraid. I'm worried you won't be able to get a good night's sleep. What's more essential, I'm worried you won't dare to get up and use the restroom tonight."

Lin Hua waved his hand, "Just tell the story! How old are we? We're not afraid of it. Besides, it's not true. What's there to be afraid of?"

While the others stared at Xu Ran with the same look on their faces.

Xu Ran said, "You want to listen to the story yourselves. Don't blame me tomorrow." After that, Xu Ran smiled, as if something wicked was brewing up in his mind.

Xu Ran proceeded to deliver the narrative gently after seeing that no one protested.


Many people, on the other hand, were doomed to sleepless nights this night. A scream jolted Xu Ran awake in the middle of the night.

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