Move Ins and Found Out

Start bij het begin

"You did what?"

"He was sex trafficker and it was only for three years!" I defended making her pause for a few seconds, debating as we all watched her reaction carefully. She opened her mouth, then closed it, setting a hand on my shoulder and looked me in my eyes.

"Good job," May settled on as we all stared at her until I broke out in a grin but it quickly fell when she got a quizzical look in her face. "What were you doing around traffickers at five years old?" Peter, Ned, and I stared at a wide eyed look, opening our mouths to answer her but only weird stammers came out of all our mouths.

"Uh... I-I was kinda... used as...bait...for the first five years of my life," I stammered out awkwardly.



"Well, that was awkward," I muttered to Peter as we sat on ledge of the roof of his apartment complex.

"That's an understatement," he mumbled back before turning to me with concern. "So what happened?" I groaned theatrically and leaned my body onto his side, my head snuggling into the crook of his neck.

"I hate magic. And the government. And magic."

"You said magic twice."

"I really hate magic," I emphasized and rubbed my eyes irritably. "After the town was officially freed, I gave Darcy my number in case something like this happens again. She seems to get into situations like this more than once," I explained and Peter nodded in understanding.

"Well I'm just glad you're okay," he said with a small smile and kissed the top of my head lovingly.

"Me too," I returned the sentiment with a smile before taking a deep breath of the cool, fresh, non-brainwashing air. "I have decided to move out of Pepper's house. I already got a good deal on an apartment near midtown, not too shabby but not too expensive it draws attention," I informed him suddenly making his eyes go wide in surprise at the sudden drop of information.

"What? Why?"

"I just think it is time to have a home, a real one. I have waited sixteen years for it, I like to think I deserve one," I answered honestly with a small, sheepish smile and he nodded in encouragement, returning it. "I do not know what it is like to have one. But I want to."

"You will, I promise," Peter swore confidently, wrapping his arm around me as we watched the sun set in front of us. "You will."

"You know it is expected for a partner to help their other partner with moving in to a new place, right?"

"I figured as much," he sighed in defeat making me snicker at him and curl up deeper into him, interlocking his hand that dangled off my shoulder lazily with mine contently.


"You are going to break my desk, give it here!" I snapped at Peter who ignored me.

"I've got it, I've got it! Geez..."

"At least use two hands, you are going to drop it," I scolded as I held a pile of boxes in my arms using my super strength.

"Even if I do drop it, which I won't, I'll catch it before it hits the ground!" Peter argued as he held my fancy white desk under one arm, holding it with his hand under the bottom and supporting it with his side. I rolled my eyes as I continued to climb the buildings stairs to the entrance. I heard a yelp behind and turned to see Peter holding the edge of the desk in an uncomfortable position, only inches away from toppling from the stairs.

"I told you to use both hands. You break it, you buy it," I joked, continuing up the stairs with a smirk.

"Shut up," Peter grumbled making me snicker as I heard the rustle of him reposition himself with the desk before following me up. "What number are you?" He asked, referring to my apartment number.

Veins and Wires // Peter ParkerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu