Chapter 5: Punishment.

Start from the beginning

Time to volunteer again to buy shit next time. I'll promise I won't be late, surely they'll let me out.

I took the remaining coins left thanks to the Baron for buying my paintings. 7 more gold coins. I took out five of them and hid them in the box.

I'll just spend 2 gold coins next time I go back into the city. I tried placing the box back into it's hiding place before clenching my teeth at the wound acting up. No mercy for kids, it seems.

I took the two coins and hid them in the pocket of my pants. I took off my shoe and tried to sleep.


Ah, not now. I know you're hungry and I wish I could've at least hidden a fruit or some bread in my clothes. For them to not notice.

I never realized this problem because this is the first time I went without having dinner. I held my stomach down trying to pass time and closed my eyes hard.

"One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four lamb steak, five lamb stew, six lam skewers— aw what the fuck it turned into cooked meat jumping on a fence!"

It was horrible. I hate this place.

I didn't even have breakfast or lunch! Only that one fruit the pretty lady gave me for free! I have to thank that pretty lady for her kindness in a prayer.

I put my hands together and prayed, "Dear Lord, Buddha, Jesus and whatever god is in here."

I closed my eyes and wished for the worst, "For the pretty lady who gave me fruit, bless her with love and everything she deserves. As for my Aunt— please STRIKE her down. I don't care if it's by lightning or by divorce. But definitely DIVORCE."

"My stomach deserves justice. Starving a child is inhumane. For goodness sake." LORD HEAR MY PRAYER! STRIKE THAT WOMAN DOWN!


Another growl hit me as I felt my stomach suffering. I think I'm also getting weaker by the minute.

I know wishing harm to others is bad but seriously I can't even think straight when I haven't eaten anything and I can't expect Lenard to bring something for me, he's already done enough.

"Time to try and sleep. Let's just not count sheep or they'll turn into lamb chops the next time they jump the fence." I muttered to myself.

Slowly I really did drift off to sleep, feeling the tiredness in my eyes.

I yawned the moment I woke up and stretched my arms only to realize my fist bumping against the wall. "Right, I sleep in a closet. Is this what Harry Potter felt like when he was living under those stairs?"

I went off to the public bathroom and bathed myself quickly. I know the other maids are also itching to get themselves clean, bright and early.

I grabbed my towel and rushed into the public bathroom. Well, glad no one's up yet.

I went in and didn't waste any time on cleaning myself. I was out in five minutes. "Now to do all whatever chores I need."

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