Show em what you've got

Start from the beginning

"Don't doubt yourself now, it's not gonna do you any good. You worked hard to get here, so show em what you've got Mido." she spoke. Midoriya's eyes widened at her sudden words of encouragement, forgetting about the fact that she was holding his hand. Seeing the male's distressed face, she offered him a kind smile and squeezed his hand in hopes to show him support. 

She dropped her own hands to her sides and into her pockets as she made her way to stand beside him instead, whereas Midoriya was still looking at his hands, a newfound spark of determination finding its way in his system. He refused to let his efforts go to waste. Like Kira had said, it's no time to be doubting yourself. His face took the look of determination as he clenched his fist.

Kira glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, smirking a bit as she realised her encouragement had worked.

1st test: 50 metre dash.

Kira observed how each of the students' quirks worked. There was Tenya Iida, his quirk made him extremely fast because of the engines coming out of his calves. Uraraka's quirk was to make everything she touches weightless. 'Great for rescue missions' Kira thought to herself. 

She continued to make her way through all of the students, thought there was one that really stood out to her. Kira thought his name was Shoto Todoroki. She recognised him to be Endeavours' son, the number two hero. Todoroki could make ice from the right side of his body, though Kira figures that couldn't be the only thing. His father had a fire quirk after all, so he must be able to make fire as well.

'Also look at the way his hair is perfectly split, there's no way that was dyed'

Kira was up next for the test. She would be going up against Bakugou and Midoriya. She made her way in between and shot a challenging smirk to her green haired friend, who swallowed thickly. Kira looked to her left only to find Bakugou already glaring at her. "I'll kill you" he simply stated. Kira only rolled her eyes and muttered a sarcastic 'sure' before stretching her arms out behind her, much like Bakugou did.

As soon as they got to go, Kira and Bakugou simultaneously blasted their way forward, leaving Midoriya in the dust. While Kira did want to help the boy to climb higher, she wasn't gonna leave herself behind too. She was determined to win.

Bakugou and Kira where neck to neck. Kira couldn't let him win from her, so she raised her energy levels with only 5%, giving her the lead. "3.97 seconds" the robot called out as Kira made it over the finish line. She turned off her quirk and gave her wrists a massage, trying not to strain them too much.

"4.13 seconds" Bakugou growled lowly as he stomped over to the girl, aggressively grabbing her by the collar. "I won't let you beat me again, you hear me?!" he spat in her face, whereas the girl only responded by wiping the spit off her face. Bakugou grunted and shoved her off, stomping back to where everyone else stood.

Kira looked over her shoulder, finding Midoriya hunched over, his hands on his knees as he panted for air. Kira went over and pat him on the head, making the boy look up. "You're doing great Mido" she grinned as she showed him a thumbs up. 

Midoriya could only humm as he turned his blushing face away.

2nd test: Grip strength.

Kira unfortunately couldn't use her quirk on this one. She could use it to make her grip stronger, but she's never tried that before so she figured it'd be a good idea to leave her quirk off for this one. 

She looked down at her hand once the device had beeped, showing off '57.3 kg'.

'It's not much but it's alright' she thought as she wore a satisfied smile.

Some guy with a lot of arms had 540 kgs apparently, which made Kira's jaw drop to the floor. "Holy hell, you're strong" she muttered as she stood beside a guy named Sero Hanta who could shoot tape out of his elbows.

3rd test: Standing long jump.

Kira easily passed this one, using her energy blast to get her over to the other side. She rubbed a hand over her face as she watched Midoriya, who barely even made it beyond the robot who stood by the side. 'C'mon Mido you've got this.'

4th test: Repeated side steps.

Again, Kira couldn't figure out how to use her quirk for this one so she just decided she'd complete this test without it. Some guy with weird balls on his head had a good score though, as he bounced off some purple looking balls perched on each side. 

Just as they were about to move on to the next test, Kira felt someone leaning against her. She looked down only to be met with the smug face of that purple ball boy. 'Jesus Christ, he's small' she thought as she raised an eyebrow at him. "Hey there, I saw you looking at my balls earlier. You interes-" 

Kira had kicked him in the face.

Midoriya watched from a distance, feeling relief flood his body as he somehow didn't like seeing that guy hug her leg like that. 'Strange..' he thought to himself.

5th test: Ball throw.

Kira could skip this one as she already did it in the beginning. She did enjoy watching the others though, as she placed herself on the floor in a criss-cross position. Kirishima sat beside her as they commented on different quirks. Let's just say both their jaws dropped open after witnessing Uraraka get fucking infinity on this test.

Then finally it was Midoriya's turn. Kira began to make her way up again, wanting to stand up so she could have a better look. 

"If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he'll be the one going home." Kira turned her head sideways so she could listen in on what Iida was saying. "Huh? Of course he is, he's a quirkiness loser!" Bakugou snarled back, pointing in Midoriya's direction. "What? He has a quirk!" 

Now to say that that comment sparked Kira's interest, then you'd be very accurate. "Mido has a quirk? He's never had one..?" she said, making the two boys turn their heads to her.

They all looked back towards Midoriya, curious to see what he would do. He reeled his arm back and at that moment, Kira's eyes widened in pure shock. His finger.. was glowing. 'How the hell is this possible? He had a quirk all along? ' Kira thought in disbelief, and just as Midoriya was about to throw the ball, it dropped only a few metres away from him.

Midoriya looked down at his hand in confusion. "Huh? I swear I used it just now.." he muttered to himself. "I erased your quirk." Everyone turned their heads to their teacher. Gears started turning in Kira's head as she finally figured out where she recognised him from.

'He's the pro hero Eraserhead! Not a lot of people know him since he prefers to remain out of the media. I thought he looked familiar.' Kira thought as she furrowed her eyebrows as she watched how their teacher spoke to Midoriya in a tone that made sure they couldn't hear what they were saying.

"He's probably telling him to start packing" laughed Bakugou, which made Kira give him a side glare. This peeked Bakugou's interest though, he had expected the girl to say something back to him. "Hah? Got nothing to say now adrenaline bitch? Pretty shocking to find out the nerd's been lying huh?" he mocked, as Kira just glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

Midoriya got a second try on the test. Kira watched intently as he reeled his arm back and gasped as she watched the ball being blasted forward by an immense amount of power. 'What.The.Hell.


Holy shittt this chapter is long.. I wanted to get all of the tests in here lmao. Fucking 2000+ words..

Thanks for reading!

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