Kuroo Ending

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Previously : "Hello?" "..."

3rd POV

'Eh? A woman's voice?' You thought quietly to yourself. "Hi, um. Is Tetsu-kun there?" You said while rubbing at the back of your head. The older woman answered with a soft voice. "Ahh, Tetsurou? He's here. Just wait for a moment, alright?" "Of course, ma'am." After a few moments of silence, Kuroo answered the phone. "If it isn't pretty boy~ Why did you call me for, handsome?" You could see Kuroo's smirk even if you're not there.

"Well Kitty, I called you because I wanted to take you out on a date. What do you say, Kitty~?" You said it with a deep yet seductive voice. Well for Kuroo, he felt that he could fall down to his knees right then and there. "Only if you pay, handsome~" Thank God, Kuroo managed to keep his cool. If you saw his face, oh man. His face was fully red and yet his mother was confused on why his son was blushing like a school girl.

"Of course I'd pay. What kind of gentleman would I be if I won't pay for an adorable kitten like you?" You said while smirking to yourself. "Touche. So when's the date?" "Tomorrow would be good. Unless you have plans tomorrow." "Nope, I'm free. I mean, who would miss a date with someone like you~?" "Man, you're quite flirty today. I'll text you when it's time to go." You chuckled quietly to yourself. "Alright then. See you tomorrow, handsome." You hung up after saying goodbye to the bed head male.

"Gotta find the outfit for tomorrow then :/" You whispered to yourself. Going to your closet and opening it with a blank face. 'Time to choose. Search, search, search, search...' You just took the ones that were near to you. You found it and it was a simple outfit. It was a (F/c) coloured long sleeve shirt with a dark blue slightly ripped jeans. ​​​​​​Oh and when you wear the shirt, it really shows your muscle. Not that you know tho :/

And that was your go to outfit. You went outside to tell your sister that you were going out tomorrow but she wasn't home so you decided to tell your younger sisters. "Ren-chan! Rini-chan! Come here." You made a sign to call them to you. "What is it, (M/n)-niisama?" "What's up, (M/n)-niichan?" You went down to their height and told the twins. "When Aki-neesama gets home, mind telling her that I'll be going out tomorrow?" Ren nodded with a small smile while Rini saluted with a goofy grin on her face.

You patter both of their heads before going to your room. You plopped your body on the bed as you remembered how cute Kuroo looks like. 'What is wrong with me?!!'

Timeskip brought to you by me giving you a hug

"Ah Kaze-san, I'll be using the train this time. I don't want to burden you. So you'll just send me to train station." You said with a small smile. "You sure, (N/n)?" And once again, you nodded. You were already dressed up with your (F/c) long sleeved shirt with your dark blue slightly ripped jeans. And now onto Tokyo :).

Kazemi only send you to the station. You close your eyes as he bring you to your destination. (I'm too lazy to write more :/) Feeling peaceful as you close your eyes. As what felt like a few hours, Kazemi woke you up, saying. "Wake up (N/n) or else you'll be late." You woke up, rubbing your eyelids and stretching a little bit. "Thanks for waking me up, Kaze-kun." The older male just nodded at you. 'Damn, now it's just obvious that the kid is still sleepy.' You walked out of the limousine and went inside of the train station. (I have no idea if Miyagi has a train station or not. Imagine that it has one, just for the plot ;-;)

You did everything that you needed to do. Now you were waiting for the train to arrive. You pulled out your phone from your pocket so that you could lose the feeling of sheer boredom. As you did that, many people who passed by you, whispered under their breath. "Isn't that the next holder of the (L/n) business?" "Why do I feel like he's a model?" "I think that's the son of (L/n) Toshinori and the woman whose last name was Ushijima. What was her name?? Uhh, oh! (L/n) Chihara!" "Man, he's good-looking." "I feel like getting his number."

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