Chapter 27

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Quick A/n : I am not making the whole game ;-; One, i am dumb. Two, i suck at describing shit (like sportsy stuff) i am only good when i am describing things such as power, magical stuff, naughty-naughty etc. Three, i have a surprise so yeah, y'all just need to wait for it :]

3rd POV

"All right. Let's start cleaning up." Ukai said while clapping his hands.


You just sweat dropped when you saw Kageyama and Hinata arguing again. You were helping with Asahi until you needed to get something from the equipment room. As you were walking towards the room, Yamamoto walked in following Tanaka from behind. 'What the hell?!' You just watched them, standing a bit far away from the two. "Oi!" Yamamoto started out. Tanaka turned around to look at the male. "Huh? What's up?! Still wanna fight?!"

"Shitty (city) boy, come on!" Tanaka did some stupid pose as a sign to get ready to fight Nekoma's ace. You raised an eyebrow when Yamamoto was acting weirdly. "Um...well...your..." Now Tanaka was confused on why was the male acting like that. Yamamoto avoided the bald wing spiker's face as he did some hand gestures. (👉👈 that) He played with his jacket. "!"

'Handsome? Lady?' You snapped out when Yamamoto finally finishes what he wanted to say. "What's your manager's name and that tall player's name?" Boy, did Tanaka look pissed. The Karasuno player then grabbed Yamamoto's collar. "You! You plan on bothering our precious teammate and manager?! I'm gonna rub your fuzzy head so hard-" "No. I do not have the courage to speak to them." The ace said with his serious face.

Tanaka backed up. "Kiyoko-san." "Eh?" "She's Shimizu Kiyoko-san." All you could do is laugh nervously as you watched the two compliment your manager. "What about that tall player?" "That would be-!" The bald second year was cut off by the male himself. "The name is (L/n) (M/n). I didn't get your full name actually. I heard it was Yamamoto." You gave a sheepish smile. "A-Ah. Yamamoto Taketora is the full name." The ace of Nekoma said with a slight blush on his face. "Well, it's nice to meet you." You said with a soft smile on your face.

You took the things that you needed before leaving the two, standing there. "Yamamoto, if he gives you a soft smile and a head pat, that means your on his good side. When he gave you that soft smile, it felt good didn't it?" "I think my heart skipped a beat." "Same, dude."

Unfortunately for you, you were aimed by Kuroo. You keep getting flirty comments and him touching your biceps, not that you mind though. Well, your teammates definitely did not liked it. As you were pulled away from the male by Daichi. "Eh? What's wrong, Dai-kun? OW!" That had to hurt, getting hit by jealous Daichi is the worst. 'Crap, I made him jealous...' But then, you felt your back having weights on it. "Sho-kun. Yuu-kun. What are you doing?" Hinata was getting a piggy back ride from you while Noya was clinging to your arm. (luckily both of them weren't heavy) "I am only doing this once, got that?" "Yup!" "Understood, (M/n)-san!" Yeah, that didn't work. They were stuck to you until Daichi told them to get off you.

Smol Timeskip~

" 'Til we meet again, my friend!" The two delinquents gave each other handshakes while sobbing. Both of the captains were also shaking hands but their smile was quite hostile as if they were trying to show dominance. Showing their alpha vibes but we all know who's the real Alpha. -cough- (M/n) -cough- (CORONA?!)

You shake your head before turning to the coaches, doing the exact same thing. "Jeez, old man. What's with you acting like a high school student? Fighting for dominance, pfft- Don't make me laugh.(i think i know where Tsukki got the saltiness ;-;)" Ended up getting chased by Ukai, with a hit on the head.

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