Chapter 7

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3rd pov

     When Hinata got out of class, he raced towards the gym to see the other members warming up. He followed what they did in front of the gym. Until he did a part where his head was leaning backwards(?) Then saw Kageyama, "Let's go." "Hey, where are you going?" the shorter one asked.

  "We can't handle the ball freely in there. I found a place where we can practice." "Woah. Where? Good job, Kageyama! Well done!" "Don't be conscending." "Don't get mad at every little thing!" Hinata whined.

A blonde with glasses was walking to the gym with a dark green haired male. Those two very familiar to you. 


     You, Hinata and Tanaka were standing in a area that had green color faded into white. Tanaka throws the ball in the air and spiked towards the bottle, only for it to hit the bottle for it just twirled around and stopped. The camera then shows a (F/c) bubble that was showing your sad smile, a yellow one for Hinata who is showing his sad/tired expression and a green one for Tanaka who was gripping his bald shaved head.


    You, Hinata and Tanaka were standing in the same area again. Tanaka throws the ball in the air again and spiked towards the bottle, this time successfully making  the bottle falling. The camera then shows a (F/c) bubble that was showing you who was clapping and showing a genuine smile, a yellow one for Hinata who is showing his happy expression and a green one for Tanaka who had just ripped out his t-shirt.


Both Suga and Tanaka yawned, while your tall form was sprawled out on the floor from helping the two first years.

"You guys sound sleepy." Both of the jumped from hearing Daichi's voice, meanwhile you just frozed on the floor not wanting any attention.

"Oh, y-you think so? Maybe I studied too much." Suga answered while he and Tanaka turns toward Daichi. "M-Me too. I studied..." 'If that came from you Tanaka, that was just an obvious lie.'

   "Oi, No one would buy that from you!" You shaked your head on the ground while Suga loudly whispered to scold Tanaka. "What about you, (M/n)?" "I didn't get breakfast and now I'm tired..." You made your voice sounded tired. It was easy because you were actually hungry.

"Excuse me," 'Oh, those had been blessed to be safe from Daichi and also that voice sounds familiar...' You turn your head to see your favourite blondie and freckles. 'Yay~ Tada-chan is here! EH??! I SOUND LIKE TOORU!'

   "Hey, you made it." Daichi gives to the two. "These are the first-years students who'll be joining us. New club members were supposed be introduced next week, but we're having a match this Saturday, that'll be the true test of your skill."

   The freckled one bows "Pleased to meet you!," while the blonde one just nod, "Nice to meet you." That didn't stop you to get up from the cold floor. As soon as they said that, you glomped the two of them unexpectedly.


   "There's something I don't like about those first-years..." You were standing behind Tanaka with Sugawara at front. You were the one who is supposed to carry it but Tanaka just swooped in offering to carry it, of course gets a compliment and headpat in  return. 

"You don't like anyone you meet for the first time." (Suga)

"Suga's right. You know. That's your personality, right?" You looked to Tanaka.

"My personality?" (Tanaka)

"Yeah but", the two of them stopped walking as Suga was caught up in his thoughts. "But those guys were beyond expectations. Are you going to be okay in the match on Saturday?"

Tanaka grins, slapping his fist over his heart. "O-of course! I'm on the team after all."

   Suga nods and started walking forwards again, "That's true, there's Kageyama, too." The three of you walked into the Equipment room, "But don't you think Kageyama's mellowed out since junior high?"

The two put down the net stand, "Has he though?"

    "What? That guy is cocky as shit!" Tanaka add to your statement. "'s like when he was in junior high, he had this unwavering confidence. Like he was an unprecedented phenomenon or something." Suga grabs a mop while Tanaka was readjusting the net stand so it doesn't fall off it's original place.

"Either way he's cocky as hell." Tanaka insists.

"Sorry, sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that." You just snickered while following Suga out of the room.



Walking home while you saw a familiar blonde, green hair, a blueberry and a tangerine. 'It's like a fruit pack...' You thought to yourself walking to the four.

On your way walking there, Hinata was about to get the ball until someone caught it. "Wow, they're really doing this outside. Are you the first-years that stirred up trouble on the first day?" "Tee-shirts? Chilly." Freckles shows up behind glasses.

  'Hinata might be thinking he's huge but hey! I'M STILL 2CM TALLER THAN KEI!!!' You thought victoriously to yourself. "Give it back!" "Isn't is time for elementary school boys to go home?" You just sigh and walked to Yamaguchi. You gave a wave to him, he shyly gives one back. When you got there, you rest your chin on Yama's head.

  Watching them bicker until it got to the part where Kageyama hold Tsukishima's collar. "Tsukki!" Tsukishima just smirked. The blueberry lets go off his collar, getting his bag, "Let's go." Tsukki decided to taunt him some more. "Running away? I guess the king isn't what he's cracked up to be..." Hinata then look at Tsukki, "Maybe I'll win against the king this Saturday, too" While the blonde throw the ball in the air, Hinata managed to catch it.

   Tsukki's eyes widened when he saw Hinata jumped in the air and landing to the ground, "Shut up with the "king" crap. I'm here, too. I'll spike the ball over your head at the match!" "Huh?" The glasses said in his signature voice while saying that. 'Seems like was afraid at that part...'

"W-What? Hey. You want to fight, bastard?" The ginger said with a nervous tone. The taller one of the two let out a sigh, "Let's not get so intense. Let's do this cheerfully, with fun. Its only a club, after all." "What do you mean "only"?!" "I mean literally. See you later."

"E-Etto, let's all just go home an-" You got interrupted by Hinata asking the blonde one to stop, "Hey, you! Stop! Who are you guys?" You looked to Tsukki who turned his face to at Hinata, "First-year class 4, Tsukishima Kei" followed a dark-green haired male, "I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi"

"We're your teammates from now on but enemies for now. Looking forward to the kings tosses." "See ya~" With the glasses at front, followed by freckles. You waited for a little while looking at Hinata, the blonde notices you were still not moving from your standing place.

"(M/n)!" "Gomen, Kei! See ya on Saturday, you two!"

"Tsukki, wait up. Is something the matter?" Freckle baby asked Dinoboy catching up to him from behind. You were walking slightly behind Yamaguchi which made it easier to listen to conversation.

"Guys that are too intense for no reason get on my nerves. That king and that shrimp..." You looked at Kei with a worried expression.

 'Oh god, Kei. Trust me on this one, that shrimp will make you be riled up on Saturday...'

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