Chapter 12

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3rd pov

As you all got out from the bus, Hinata continued to bow down to Tanaka, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Tanaka-san!" Tanaka seem unbothered by it, who held the plastic bag that contain his puked on pants. Revolting.

"Like I said, don't worry abut it. Never mind me. Are you all right?" Tanaka gazed at Hinata, and you overheard it since you were standing with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. So you walked over to Hinata. "Yes. I rested a while on the way here." He is definitely not fine.

"Shou-chan, maybe you have motion sickness that's all." You smiled softly in assurance. Tanaka looked pleased with the shorter one's answer. "All right, then!" The second year said with a grin on his face. "We're counting on you for today's match. Do it just like the three-on-three match!"

"Let me spike freely like that!" Tanaka said while patting Hinata's back repeatedly.

"Tanaka! Don't pressure him!" Sugawara hissed while making an X with his index fingers. Tanaka just looked confuse, "What? What's that?"

"I'll...I'll...I'll do my b-Urk!" Hinata clutched his stomach, "I'm going to the toilet..." Hinata whispered to no one in particular, clutching his stomach as proceeded to walk away slowly from the three of you.

"First the top, then the bottom! You're such a busy guy!" Tanaka said, putting his hands on his hips. You just snickered finding the whole thing humorous. "!" Kageyama narrowed his eyes at Hinata's retreating form.

"There he goes again. How pathetic!" Kageyama growled out, pulling one of his sleeves menacingly. Sugawara was quick to react, jumping out to hold back Kageyama to prevent the young setter to do brain damage to Hinata.

"What are you thinking?! That kind of thing won't work on Hinata!" Sugawara cried out.

"But we won't know 'til we try it!" Kageyama shot back to his senpai. Sugawara was panicking, attempting to wrestle brash first year was a bit hard.

"Tanaka! (M/n)-kun! Keep this simpleton away from him!" The bald-one saluted "Right!" but didn't make any moves to stop the blueberry. You looked at the struggling duo before moving closer towards them.

It wasn't that hard to hold Kageyama back, mostly because Sugawara the strength to hold the first year back. You wouldn't say that the grey haired male is weak, I mean have you seen his 'negativity begone!' trick?! That looks painful.

"Calm down, Tobio-kun~" You hold him from behind when Kageyama tried to break free from your strong grip, as he yelled at you demanding to let him go so that he could teach Hinata a lesson.

When Kageyama went limp in your hold, you let him go. You stood proudly and patted his black hair.

******( ' ∀ ' )

Two boys in white and teal Aoba Johsai uniform walked a path chatting among themselves. "Hey, that Karasuno team that's coming today. Isn't that where you-know-who is?" the princely looking male also known as Yahaba Shigeru who is also a setter and a pinch server asked the tall first-year middle blocker, Kindaichi Yutaro.

"Who?" Kindaichi asked, confused.

"The King of the Court." Yahaba answers, he looks at Kindaichi, "You went to the same school junior high he did, didn't you, Kindaichi?"

"Oh, you mean Kageyama?" Answered Kindaichi before looking forward again as he continued on, "He's no big deal. Sure, he was heads and shoulders above the rest in skill but he's just not cut out to be a team player, at all. He's too self-centered." His eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"I see...I guess since he went to Karasuno, his strength as a player must be a thing in the past. Besides, all I know about Karasuno is that their manager is a beauty."

"Are you serious?!" Kindaichi exclaimed.

"That's right. She's kinda sexy. Ah, I heard other things too. There's this guy who's rumored called 'The Soul Collector.' I heard he went to the junior high as you. Do you know a (L/n), Kindaichi?" Yahaba asked the younger one.

"I do, actually. He was my senpai."

"A lot of people said he was good-looking too. Oh yeah, and there's a riffraff kind of guy there, too." Yahaba said as he continued on

Unknown to the duo, the 'riffraff' guy and 'The Soul Collector' heard what they said about the two of them.

 "He's got a shaved head, and an unpleasant look in his eyes."

You hold your snickers when you heard the second-year said, "You heard that, Tanaka? Seems like they really don't like guys with a shaved head." You riled him up before patting him on his head and look at him in the eye. "Lucky for you, you're the only one who caught my eye." His eyes grew wide and face turned red, stuttering to react.

"He looks really stupid." When Yahaba said that, the blush left his face and replaced with a blank smile as he peered out with a petrifying gaze behind the wall on the last comment. Both Aoba Johsai students jolted, alarmed.

And right on time, Tanaka, you, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Kageyama walked out the corner. "Ah...Etto." The caramel haired male stuttered nervously. 'He's pretty like a prince but with a bad attitude...' You thought to yourself.

"Don't underestimate us too much,.." Tanaka said lowly to be more menacing as he speaks up. A crow nearby cawed as if it was agreeing with what Tanaka said, flapping it's wings as it began to soar to the sky, when it calls a murder of crows fly up as well. "Or we'll eat you alive." The five of you glared at the two.

Tsukishima smirked and you always loved his salty personality towards other people. "You shouldn't say things like that, Tanaka-saaan." The way the blonde said was cheerful as he waved his hand up and down, continued to chuckle.

His tone turned dark and warning tone, "Look what you did. You scared the poor elites. Now I feel sorry for them." Kindaichi steps forward, clenching his fists, "We're not intimidated!"  

Tanaka stepped forward to them, "Oh, you're right. We should save bullying for the match." You laughed angelically making the scared duo look at you. The angel they thought disappeared when you smirked sadistically, putting a hand on Tanaka's shoulder.

"Kei's right. I do feel bad for them. Poor babies are gonna cry to their momma." Unluckily your fun was destroyed when Daichi found saw all of you. "YOU GUYS!" Tsukishima and you walked away as if you weren't insulting them. "I can't let you out off my sight."

Daichi walked over to the two and made Tanaka bow along with him as an apology to the opposing players. "We apologize!" "Oh, it's alright." Yahaba said deadpanning. Tanaka fights against Daichi's hand, which was making him bow attempting to glare at the two. "Tanaka, stop that look!"

Daichi drags Tanaka away, everyone else following but you and Kageyama, being at the back were a bit further away. "It's been a while, King." Kindaichi greets Kageyama, causing everyone's attention to the two.

"What sort of dictatorship do you belong these days? I'm looking forward to seeing it in the match." Tanaka pulls up his sleeves and took a step forward only to be pulled back by Daichi. Everyone looked at Kageyama for his responce.

"Yeah." Kageyama walked forward while you were waiting behind. "Yutaro-kun! Hope you're doing well! See ya in the match but I wished you didn't underestimated us too much now!" You said in the nicest way but with a warning tone.

You patted his head and ran off to Sugawara while holding his hand. Kindaichi looked confuse, "Why's he trying to be passive? And (L/n)-senpai..." Yahaba looked at the younger one waiting for his response.

"He looked he was about to get anyone's soul in a blink of an eye in that moment, just like the rumors always said."

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