Beautiful Creature

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((Sorry if theirs spelling mistakes or anything. If you mention them I will fix them. Hope you enjoy. This is based off the song- The Willow Maid by Erutan))

Touya Todoroki, a adventurer and loner. He was a master with fire as that was the gift he got from a majestic salamander as a youngling. He would take this gift and show to his family, yet his father, a man of high royalty, would want to use this, use it to gain more power. Touya was agents these wishes, but was forced to do what his father wanted, until he turned fifteen that is. Having snuck out as the full moon shun in the elegant sky, stars sparkling along in the dark horizon. Ever since, he had used the gift for survival, now being of the age twenty three. A man with purple patches of skin from the curse that came along with the gift, pale skin, hair as white as snow, and beautiful diamond like eyes. In cloths and rags he woven into clothing.

The young man walked through the forest with his quiver and hunting bow, needing food to prepare his supper for that night. He then heard a young man singing and followed the sound below, to a small pond surrounded by beautiful flowers of many colors. Trees and bushes surrounded the side, but one tree was bigger then all. There he found a winged young man, one with talons for feet and nails, a tail of elegant red feathers along with the wide-reaching ruby red wings. The man seemed to live in the willow trees and bushes.

Touya called to him as he listened from a ring of toadstools red. It was almost impossible to look away. Touya felt the creature warming his heart with their song, he had to keep them near. "Come with me, I have a place better then here."

Keigo looked at him serenely
And only shook his head. Touya would venture closer to the man, seeing his almost royal looking clothing barely layering his skin, shoulders and most his talons visible from the scarce cloths. The golden eyes and blond hair, the sharp look in those beautiful eyes along with small feathers laying around where he sat. A sight of a fairytale it seemed.

The bird would look at the other and speak, but in chirps at first, until snickering at the confusion on the white haired manes face. "See me now, a ray of light in the moondance." He stated out, looking up at the beautiful night that gifted them that night. "See me now, I cannot leave this place." He looked back down, wings closing to his sides, him bringing his arms to hug himself with a depressing look of despair, yet he continued to sing.

"Hear me now, a strain of song in the forest. Don't ask me, to follow where you lead"

Touya sat next to her, under the big tree that shaded them. "Then I'll come back, I'll come back, promise." He looked the other in his golden eyes, a shocked look coming upon the blonds face, but then smiled. He moved closer, resting his head gently on the tall man's shoulder, beginning to chirp a soft song as a thank you of his kind words.


Days would pass, soon going to months. Touya would come back every day to see the beautiful creature, occasionally giving gifts or showing off his gift of fire to the man. Soon he'd learn more of the bird, their name being Keigo. Touya and him would talk, dance, sing, anything. Those times were the best and happiest day's in his life. Touya would come clean of his family, share his problems, letting out the anger. Keigo helped him, helped him all he could.

"It's bullshit, that bastard is still king even with all he's done!" Touya spat in anger, a bit of smoke steaming off his body. Keigo made the taller man sit, moving to bring his arms around his shoulders, Keigo on his lap. "I know, that's really dumb... I wish I could have done something." He started, bringing his head to rest on Touya's shoulder, a normal gesture for the bird to do. "But now you won't have to deal with him, you're free from his grasp" he hummed.

Touya sighed, but brought his arms around the other, "I guess... wait, we could stop him!" He declared, making Keigo look up. "Together we can show the world of his wrongs and take him down. He can't take the both of us!" He explained.

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