I walk up the stairs and open the door to the guest bedroom. Shaima is peacefully asleep on the bed. I smile and make my way towards her. I lay down next to her and place my hand on the side of her face removing a strand of hair from it. Her head tilts slightly and eyes start to flutter open.

"Hey beautiful" I smile and place a kiss on her forehead

"What are you doing here Trent?" She mumbles

"I had to make sure you were safe."

"Safe? From who?" She asks

"Your father had a visit today with  Scott. He got a nasty black eye from it. I thought he would've came to you next"

"Is he okay?"

"Ya he's okay but he's worried. But we will get through this."

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I just hate talking about it" she comes closer and places her head on my chest. I smile and let my hand rest on her back.

"Don't worry about it. I know it's stressful but you have to talk to me about these things okay."

"I will I promise." She says softly. I move my hand to the back of her head and massage it softly. "I love you"

"I love you Shaima." I kiss the top of her head and realize she had dozed off once again. I couldn't help but laugh but stayed in place making sure not to wake her.

"So what's the plan next?" Alex's asks from his spot near the door.

"We put his ass in jail and make sure he stays there" he nods and walks away. He's not touching my family. I won't let it happen.


Masons POV:

I entered my flat and something just felt off about it. The windows had been covered from the blinds which I never close as I like the natural sunlight. I enter the living room and look around and finally see Jonathan sitting on my couch.

"Mason have a seat son." He points to the other chair in the living room

I hesitated and took the seat. "How did you get in?"

"No need for the silly questions we all know how I did. Now tell me when I told you to get Trent and Shaima to break up did you listen?"

"Why would I even listen to you? I love Shaima. I would never want to hurt her like that"

"Ya and look at what that got us in... she's pregnant because you didn't listen" his voices raises

"Why do you care? What would be the difference if we were together? What is your issue with Trent in the first place?" I ask annoyed

"That is my daughter you imbecile. I have every right to say my part in that relationship."

"Ya she's your daughter but do you not realize what you put her through since she was able to walk. That girl has been through so much trauma because of you. And now that she's happy you want to ruin that for her. You are disgusting" wrong choice of words Mason. His fist had collided with my jaw instantly and I was put on the floor. Next he kicked my stomach multiple of times before stopping and kneeling down in front of me.

"Why should I let her be happy when my life has turned into absolute shit because of her huh! I guess the next person I'll have a talk with is Shaima her self. And we will see how things go" he smirks before leaving.

I groan in pain. This idiot thinks I don't have cameras in the house..?? I guess he just screwed himself over.


Shaimas POV:

With Trents warm arm wrapped around my waist I felt comfort in the unknown bed that belonged to Alex and Perrie.

"You know if you keep moving something is gonna happen" Trent mumbles from behind me.

My eyes go wide as I realize what I just did. I turn around and face his chest "I'm so sorry" I giggle which makes Trent smile

"Eh I wasn't against it" he smirks and leans down to kiss me.

"We are not having sex in Alex and Perries house. I will never be able to come and visit again" I laugh.

"Oh we both know that's not true" suddenly the door burst open and Alex had a terrible look on his face.

"You guys need to come downstairs" he breathed out.

Trent and I got out of the bed and made our way to the main hallway. There stood Declan with Mason behind him. He was covering Mason and I wasn't able to see his face.

"What's going on?" Trent asks but no one speaks up. I move to the side and go to where Declan was and pushed him away. Mason had sunglasses on but that didn't hide his bruised lips.

"Mason" I sigh and reach for the glasses but he steps back. I place my hand on his arm and you can tell he loosens up a bit. "Mase please" he nods and removes his glasses to reveal a huge black eye and a cut on top of his brow.

"Let me guess... Jonathan?" Trent says angry

Mason nods "he tried to convince me to get you guys apart again. I called him disgusting and well look where I am now"

I stare at masons face and anger boiled in my body. This isn't fair, to any of them. And I wasn't gonna let it get any further than it already has. Cause he wasn't worth it and I'm gonna make sure he knows it.

Been You (Trent Alexander-Arnold story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя