Chapter 58: Guilt

Start from the beginning

And she was the one to blame.

She had to tell him. She had to say something. At least to her dad. If she had, she still would have a father. She wouldn't be alone with Emma Rosier or her own break downs. Then the tattoos would have such a meaning to it.

"He believed in you," Snape said. "He always said that you would be the savior. Not Potter."

"No," she said slowly. "I wouldn't be anyone's savior. You know why? Because saviors usually help. I only destroy."

She was ready for the spell and for the act after that. The truth was what she made it. The truth was hers and she was the truth's.

"Any last words?" she asked as she pointed the wand at him. "We will be over soon."

"I promised to protect Lily's son. Just like I did with Emma's daughter."

He was killed a few seconds later.

Cassie screamed. "HELP!"

And the librarian came as fast as she could. She looked at the crying girl and at professor Snape laying lifelessly next to her.

Severus Snape was dead. Hogwarts lost another headmaster and the Order of the Phoenix lost its spy in Cassie's Death-Eaters.

Cassiopea always imagined that traveling through magic would be exiting. With presents for Christmas apparently it was not so fun and a little bit harder.

She had to carry all of the presents she had bought for Remus and Dora with Daphne and Hermione while Draco and Kol were with the Weasley twins in their shop.

When Fred and George had seen Cassie, they had jumped to hug her. Fred had taken her face in his arms and had said, "What the hell, Blackie?! I understand you tell Fleur and Remus to fuck off, but us?! Us and Ginny, and Percy and..."

"Sorry, Freddie," she had said before hugging him.

Blackie. When she was 11 she had thought that she had to like it. So she did. But now with all of this stupid, but necessary plans of hers.

Most of her plans included revenge as a result.

"Merry Christmas!" Cassie sang when she saw her uncle Remus. "I've brought gifts."

"I can see that," her uncle chuckled. "Let me take this," he took some of the presents and nodded towards the kitchen. "Go on. Dora is in there."

Cassie hurried to hug her cousin, knowing that the following weeks would be tough for her. Well, there was always a chance of death of her, her husband, her unborn and her whole family, but now...

The news of Ted Tonks' death came to Cassiopea Black just an hour or two before she came here. Her aunt Andromeda had locked herself in her room, refusing to let anyone in there. Cassie had cried in her room silently so no one could hear the pain that the Dark Lady felt.

She had no idea how to tell Dora and Remus.

Every time she tried to think of a way, Cassiopea remember all the memories they had together as one, as a family.

She remembered dancing with her uncle Ted. She remembered him singing with Dora. She remembered herself singing with Dora while Andromeda and Ted were dancing. She remembered playing chess with him. She remembered what exactly started her passion for books.

She took a deep breath, seeing her pregnant cousin and she couldn't help but smile at the fact that soon she would have a nephew.

A nephew who Dora and Remus decided to name Edward (Teddy) Remus Lupin.

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