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after i shower and get cleaned up at me parents, i put on grey sweatpants and a flannel but leave it unbuttoned. i feel a lot better than i did.

josh: ok brookie. were you good last night?

she nods.

mike: she was very good *laughs
josh: alright. then why don't you and i go to target and pick out a toy? how's that sound?

she nods and smiles. we get into my car and drive over to target. i needed gas so we had to stop at sonic first.

josh: hmmm should we get milkshakes?
brooke: ya!

we both get chocolate milkshakes and then head over to target.

josh: ok pick an aisle

she points to one with some toys. while holding her, i walk down the one and set her down. i pull out my phone for two seconds when i hear brooke.

brooke: daddy!

i look back up and see her tugging on some toy with another kid.

josh: woah woah woah brooke

i go over and get her to let go of the toy. a lady grabs the little girl.

?: stella!!
stella: mommy!! it's mine!
?: put it down

the little girl stella drops the toy. brooke tried to grab it but i pick her up.

josh: i'm sorry about her. stella can have it
?: no no i'm sorry about stella. your daughter can have it
josh: it's alright. brooke go pick something else

i set brooke down and she looks in the shelves.

?: you too stella. go pick something else

she sets stella down.

josh: so your a mom?

she nods.

?: ya. your a dad?
josh: ya. you seem a little...
?: young? *laughs* so do you
josh: 23. i'm gonna guess your 21?
?: ah close. 22 *laughs

brooke comes up and shows me a baby doll in a tiny stroller.

brooke: this?
josh: yep that works

i reach down and hold her hand.

josh: ah well nice to meet you.......?
?: jessica

she smiles and walks off to get her daughter. i stop walking and crouch down in front of brooke.

josh: listen. we don't argue over toys with other kids.
brooke: i'm sowwy
josh: it's ok. just don't do it again

we walk to the register and i pay for what brooke picked out. then, we head home.


brooke runs inside to show carmen and steven her new doll and stroller. i go to my room and shower. i ended up getting a call. apparently a water line burst at work and i have to go take care of the money to fix it. quickly, i throw on nice clothes and go to the kitchen where steven and carmen are coloring with brooke.

josh: i have to go into work. there was an issue. watch her for me?
carmen: of course

i go kiss brookes head.

josh: i'll see ya later munchkin
brooke: no daddy! stay!
josh: i gotta go to work baby but i'll be home to tuck you in tonight
brooke: no!

she begins to cry and i pick her up hugging her.

josh: i shouldn't be gone long-
brooke: don't weave!!

my shoulder of my button down is now covered with tears. she normally doesn't act like this. except for last night.

josh: what's wrong brookie?
brooke: s- stay daddy

i have to go. i'm not really sure what brooke wants me to do here. i sigh.

josh: fine. you can come with me

carmen gives me a look telling me this is a bad parenting move.

josh: i know i know but i've gotta go now. and it's not like i have to work. i have to supervise the process and sign a few things

i go get brooke into her car seat.


at work, i walk around supervising the water tank repair while brooke sleeps in my arms. she missed her nap today. maybe that's why she was so upset. my assistant chad is now telling me what all i have to do before i'm able to head home.

chad: it's gonna take 2 days to fix the tank
josh: alright
chad: they said sign here. it's saying you'll pay the amount to get it fixed

i sign.

chad: and then sign this one saying you understand it's not on the company insurance and you want it added

i sign.

josh: is that all? i wanna get her home. it's been a long day
chad: yes sir. that's all. i'll call if anything changes-
josh: if anything changes, write it down and have it on my desk. i'll check in the morning.

he nods and i leave, putting brooke in her car seat.


i'm sitting at a red light when i just hear tons of horns honking. i look all around and suddenly a car comes flying out of nowhere.



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