sick girl

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i always go wake up brooklyn before i leave for work. she goes back to sleep after, but she likes saying bye.

josh: i'll be home later ok?

she sleepily nods and i go downstairs. steven hands me a plate of bacon and eggs. once i eat, i'm about to head out the door when i hear crying. i turn around to see brooke standing on the bottom step crying and holding her blanket.

josh: why don't you go back to bed?
brooks: my- my bewwy huwts

i didn't understand until she pointed at her stomach. i go give her a hug i'm hopes to calm her.

josh: see carmen has medicine. it will make you feel better. i've gotta go though-
brooke: noooo!!! daddy!!!!

she's been sick before. but i guess she was so little, she couldn't remember. i try to pass her off to carmen but she's crying hard. she would not let go of me for the life of her.

josh: i- fine. i'll stay home.

i pick up brooke and hold her against me chest with one arm. with the other, i call the my assistant to take care of everything for today. brooke rests her head on my shoulder still crying a tiny bit. once i hang up, i kiss her head.

josh: ya brookie your burnin up. carmen can you grab-

she already knew what i was gonna say. she hands me the medicine. i set brooke on the counter and fill the small cup with the liquid.

josh: here.
brooke: no
josh: it will make you feel better
brooke: no daddy it's yucky!!!!! *crying
josh: please just drink it-
brooke: no daddy!

i sigh.

steven: here. this is how carmen always got katelyn to take her medicine when she was little

he hands me a bowl of sherbet and i nod.

josh: hey brooke. if you drink your medicine- you get to eat some sherbet right after to make the yucky taste go away. deal?

she hesitantly nods and drinks the small cup before making a grossed out face.

brooke: eww!

i laugh and put a spoonful of sherbet into her mouth.

josh: there ya go


i took brooke into my room and laid her on the bed while i went into my bathroom to put on sweatpants. when i go back in, brooklyn sees me without a shirt and takes off her pajamas leaving her in her pull-up. she still hates wearing clothes. i lay down and she lays next to me by my side.

josh: your shivering. you wanna put your PJ's back on?
brooke: no!
josh: ok

i pull her into my side and pull the covers over her body to keep her warm.


once we wake up from our little nap, i saw a text from steven say he just made chicken noodle soup.

josh: hey brookie

i shake her a bit til she wakes up.

josh: steven made you some soup. come on

i put her PJ's back on her so she's not cold and we head to the dining room. i sit her on my lap but she's sleepy so she just lays against me as i feed her little bites.

josh: your belly feel better?

she shakes her head no. i thank steven for cooking the soup then i take brooklyn to her bathroom in her room. i get a warm bath ready and undress her. i put her in the tub.

brooke: dolly?

she always plays with her naked barbie dolls in the bathtub. i go into her room, with her still in my line of sight, and grab 3 barbies for her. once i give them to her, she plays while i wash her hair.


we ended up going back to sleep in my bed. it was around 3 in the afternoon. i decided i could make an important work call that was supposed to be scheduled. without getting up, i reach to my dresser and grab my shirt and laptop. i slip my shirt over my head and sit up, still letting brooke lean on my side. i open my laptop and join the conference call. brookes a really heavy sleeper so i most likely won't wake her.

kevin: ayy richards
josh: hey.

i fix my hair a bit then put a baseball cap on backwards since i was just sleeping.


brooke starts to wake up.

josh: uhh hold on. i've gotta mute for a moment

i mute my mic and turn to my sleepy little girl.

josh: feeling better?

she nods and climbs on my lap, laying on me, forcing me to hold her. my hands are under her butt and hers are holding near my shoulder where her head lays. her eyes slowly shut again. i turn my camera and mic back on again.

kevin: so yes- aww isn't that cute

i laugh.

josh: she wasn't feeling good today. huh brookie?

they forget about the sleeping child on me and we go back to our meeting.


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