the plan

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logan: ok so tell me about your friends and shit
you: ok so there's amelie mads addison avani blake anthony bryce jaden and... then we have josh. i wouldn't necessarily call us friends anymore.
logan: woah what happened?
you: lemme just tell you about my friends first. ok so amelie- she's my bae. love her. dating blake who is like the nicest person ever. addison is so sweet and she's dating bruce who is obnoxious but we love him anyway. avani- makeup god is dating anthony. ant is kinda quiet but he's funny. jaden is like the coolest guy you'll ever meet. he's dating mads. mads is awesome but can get really protective over jaden. and then josh.

i push my lips together to make them flat.

you: josh and i were kinda together- well not really. i guess you could say we were like in the talking stage but like kissed and shit. anyways. i was his date to homecoming and then found him fucking his bitchy ex
logan: woah
you: ya
logan: lemme see this guy

i go onto my phone and on my private tiktok account, showing him that tiktok from a while back that i made. "i hate all men but- when he loves me i"

logan: damn i'm not gay or anything but he
probably gets a lotta girl- sorry

he hugs me.

you: it's fine i guess.
logan: you were really into him huh?

i shrug and nod.

logan: i have an idea. why don't we fake date to get this son of a bitch back
you: us? dating?!

i laugh hard.

you: no one would ever buy that. we're practically siblings
logan: but no one else knows me

this could work. it'd make josh think that he's not able to hurt me.

you: ok that may work
logan: so we're doing it?
you: sure. what's the harm?

we both laugh.

logan: k we gotta make this shit look real
you: alright. well your going to school with us and since your just coming here, our dads arranged for us to have all the same classes. i have first period with josh. i'll get my seat switched to with you

he nods.

logan: if we're really gonna make him jealous we have to make it look as real as we can
you: like kissing?
logan: ya. i mean we've kissed before
you: when we were six *laughs
logan: what's the difference

we laugh and then decide to practice. first one was short and we ended up laughing really hard. second one was a few seconds but we wiped our lips after. then we try again. it lasted a few seconds and we didn't really laugh after.

you: that's good enough
logan: ya good thing we practiced *laughs
you: ok so whatever you do- don't hit on anyone there. especially NESSA barrett. that's josh's ex- well his girlfriend now again
logan; ok. so if people are gonna buy this- no one can know it's fake
you: k so i won't tell my friends

he nods.


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