come over?

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i've been to josh's house a few times this week after i started going back to school. but i feel kinda bad. his family all says that they love me and i'm always welcome but i feel like i've been there too much. i'm lying in bed cuddling cookie and watching NCIS. my dad was supposed to come home for dinner but couldn't make it. so here's me sitting alone in my room on a friday night. yay. the boys are all hanging out with their girlfriends. except josh. he had a dentist appointment. after about 2 hours i figure he should be done so i call him.

you: hi
josh: hey what's up
you: will you come over? you can stay the night if you want
josh: ya sure
you: ok. i'll text you my address.
josh: ok

i hang up and text it to him. about 20 minutes later i hear the doorbell, so i run down the stairs. i see josh standing in the living room speaking with carmen.

you: oh leave him alone carmen *laughs
carmen: fine fine. it was nice to meet you josh

she walks away.

josh: ah so i'm finally here *laughs
you: oh shut up
josh: damn now i'm never gonna wanna leave
you: i'm ok with that

i wrap my arms around him and he happily returns the hug. after i give him a tour, we go to my room. he sits on my bed.

josh: who is this cutie?
you: silly, my names katelyn

i joke with him and he laughs as he lets cookie.

josh: i meant this cutie
you: her names cookie. don't ask why because i'm not sure *laughs
josh: ah

he takes off his shoes and lays back on my bed.

josh: this is comfy as shit!

i laugh as i dig through his bag to find a hoodie.

josh: excuse you

i slip one on my head and go lay down with him. he puts an arm around me and i rest my head on his chest, sweetly looking up at him.

josh: hey beautiful

he kisses my forehead making me smile.

you: have you ever watched NCIS?

he shakes his head no.

you: great. we're binge watching it. it's my favorite show and i'm gonna make you watch all 18 seasons

he laughs and nods. once i put it on, i place my head back on him. as we watch, i point out the people and explain their characters to josh. he listens and tries to follow along.

josh's pov~

how much more perfect can katelyn get? she keeps trying to explain the show to me but i just got lost in looking at her. god she's so beautiful. that smile- dammit it makes my heart melt. and that little giggle is the most adorable thing ever. i know we aren't dating and haven't even known eachother that long, but something about this moment... i think i could see myself being in love with her one day...


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